Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I can tell someone is praying for me or thinking of me. Or is very close to me, in location or something. I wrote this and then I swear I saw someone I used to know. But I may have been wrong about that.

I told this guy, it's like having a twin or something, and being really connected, or how I imagine it would be to have an entire church of people praying for you, all at once. Or being in love with someone, the only one, who is your true soulmate and there really is no one else and you feel that connection when they're thinking of you or are close.

I was sort of getting a bad vibe in a way, or down on my luck vibe and then it hit me. No, not manic-depressive and been talking to this other person the whole time and nothing's changed.

I turned on the radio then and it was Kings of Leon's "Use Somebody".

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