Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hearing Today To Conceal The Truth

I didn't do so well but I tried to cover bases.

I asked for an attorney and a continuance because I'd been sick. I wasn't granted a continuance and I was told only maybe could I have a public defender or someone to represent me. I know this is going to be a really big deal if it comes to appeal, if I've asked for reasonable representation and been refused. It's grounds for overturning the whole thing.

But then again, I've been refused one so long, I don't know if even that might count for something. I went 8 months without one at a time when it was crucial.

I also made my objections to certain things, like an I.Q. test. An I.Q. isn't necessary and it's an invasion of privacy and yet I wasn't given an attorney to argue that point. There is absolutely no good reason for the State of Washington to know what my I.Q. is. It has no bearing on parenting unless there is something really under the mark that interferes with the ability to care for a child. Not only that, it's stalling on completing stuff.

Also, I specifically asked to be able to audio record the visits and it is highly suspect that this was refused. The state is now trying to get in a woman for a parenting assessment and they don't want anything recorded to keep the record straight. They know the objective form of documentation is this, and in no way does it harm my son or interfere but they argued against it and the Judge agreed.

This, I think, is the most glaring example of what is going on.

I am saying that the visistation notes have not accurately portrayed content of what I say and do, and it doesn't record my son's repeated requests for more time with me.

Keeping the visits unrecorded allows them to say whatever they want. And they did. Michelle tried to claim I was "volatile" with the visitation monitor when never, not once, have I ever been offensive, rude, or "volatile". But the fact that Michelle Erickson wants to argue this, when it's a flat lie, shows exactly what is being covered up: the truth.

I feel these hearings should just be "let's figure out how to conceal the truth" hearings. So many lies have been told, and on such wide scale, I know I can't win unless something greater than me intercedes.

I wish someone from out of the state, or who is in the state and has investigative powers, could get involved.

If there was an insider informant and taping of phone calls and of visits, and everything that's been going, it would SHOCK this town. It would ROCK this town. The magnitude to which lies have been made, and interference has been done to keep me from my son, is truly amazing.

I wish, for my son's sake, for him alone even, that people knew. If they only knew.

Michelle tried to say the monitor's voice would be recorded and they wouldn't be able to find people offering services if I could record.

It has nothing to do with the monitor's voice. She says very little, and I don't spend my time speaking with her...I talk to my son and he talks to me and monitor is off in the corner figuring out how to adjust what is said and done, to make it sound bad, to the liking of the state.

If this department cannot find people who are willing to have the visits audio recorded, there is obviously something wrong with the people they hire, because it shows they have something to hide.

I hadn't had a chance to review any of the motions or state's notes which were filed in court prior to the hearing today. I objected to the late delivery of an addendum that was filed which I received only 2 days ago and haven't read.

But the Judge heard me say I wanted a continuance because I hadn't received these things in time, and had been sick, and that I wanted a lawyer, and yet she proceeded anyway.

I didn't know what to say in the hearing because I didn't have any notice or time to go over material first, and I filed evidence which showed why.

It was Jill Wise.

The funniest thing is, her name came to mind when I was praying for everyone the other day. It was supposed to be her or some other commissioner and I knew it was going to be her and her name kept coming to my mind.

The commissioner and Judge always want to cut me off when I try to explain WHY I haven't kept the other public defenders. Now, the last one is even lumped in with the first 2, as if she were assigned and I fired her but everyone knows there were issues ahead of time and I tried to protect against it going further, but I was told I had to take her...and then she promptly withdrew.

Jill was pleasant though, in general, I don't fault her demeanor or anything. She was fine and actually, most of the others there today were far more professional. I was impressed. People weren't mocking parents or acting odd. I mean, the sarcasm level was way down, which was nice. There was one mother, calling from a behavioral health place, who, unfortunately, ended her call with the Judge by saying, in close:

"I love you."

Bad, bad, move. Her lawyers were there in the courtroom and she was away. If they'd been next to her they could have squeezed her arm or kicked her under the table. So, unfortunately, the mentally ill mom, who might not know how to properly address a Judge, who is probably getting all this "You should tell people you love them more" crap, is following orders and sounding like a nut. Looks went around on that one. Who knows, maybe she meant it, like "I luuuuUv you MAN!" Her tone, however, came across like a kid saying to a parent, "I love you". I just thought, "That really sucks" (for that mom). She could have just been a real Jill fan. I mean, fans say they love people they don't even know sometimes. Hell, some spouses say they love eachother and they still don't know eachother.


Oh, and the State of Washington, or Wenatchee department lied about something else. They said this psychologist INSISTED an I.Q. test was necessary. That's not true. She told me the STATE insisted on it, and THEY wanted it done and no exceptions, and SHE had to follow their orders.

TELL me, WHY does "the department" and Wenatchee need an I.Q. test for me? The psychologist had nothing to do with it, but they lied to the Judge and tried to put it off on her like SHE was the one who insisted. It was the state.

I might just fudge. No one needs to know how smart I am. I might just dumb it down for the public. I might just not solve the puzzles. I'll work at average, somewhere inbetween below average intelligence and above average. I am quite sure I could figure out how to level a 120. I had better get to work figuring out how normal people think and score!!! Then I'll give any flashes of brilliance credit to God for miraculous insight. Even a rorshach would be more applicable to mental illness or not. I mean, it would detect distorted thinking at least. I.Q. has no application for a diagnosis or for "mental illness" either. I.Q. is applicable for few disorders in my opinion: ADD maybe and...hmm. That's about it. Because with ADD you might wonder if someone is underacheiving due to distraction or boredom or intelligence or a combination of both. And I.Q. is applicable in school years, to figure kids out, sure. But adults? I talked to some psychologists--a lot of them and they said it's very strange and out of place to ask for an adult's I.Q. and then when they heard it was for CPS they were totally shocked. They said it shouldn't even matter, unless someone were retarded or seemed imcapable of parenting, I.Q. had nothing to do with parenting at all.

I think I need a lawyer to argue against personal invasion of privacy matters. If I don't care what my I.Q. is, no one else should. Of all "departments" CPS shouldn't give a rip. The only "department" which might have any interest at all, legitimately, might be the CIA. I think that's about it. And even the CIA wouldn't give a rip. Maybe NASA cares. I can't think of any agency which requires an I.Q. test. Having CPS care about I.Q. is like restaurants asking for the I.Q. of their dishwashers. Why isn't there a space on the "stupid-apps" for I.Q.? Hmmm. Maybe discrimination. Or maybe it's because the majority of Americans don't give a flying f., and know it has nothing to do with how someone gets the job done. Being a good parent is a job. The most important one anyone could ever have. But I.Q. is absolutely irrelevant.

Then, the state said they wanted all their shitty info on me, most which is made up, to go to the parenting assessor FIRST. I objected (here, here, me) because it should be an unbiased and impartial evaluation but it didn't matter. Not one request that I made was honored. Every single thing the state asked for was given to them.

Oh, and the courthouse called in a Sheriff to be present just for my case. None of the other cases or parents had a Sheriff present, but they called one in to be present for mine. Why? Because everyone was thinking Rob Forrest, the CASA guy, had something up his sleeve.

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