Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How To Write A Song

This guy asked me how I write songs, if I write lyrics first or later, or at the same time as I play guitar. I said usually it comes to mind while I play at the same time.

So I gave him an example. I said, "You want a serious song or silly song?" He said "silly song". So I began, on the spot, with a verse that started:

"They tried to KILL me!
and then how I was running and ran into a gay man
who said, relax, you can stay in my cave

But then he tried to KILL me!
so I ran from the cave and I was running into my grave.

William (a verse about Prince William was next and how the fam told him no, she talks too much and she's a ho)

(something like that and then I hit the chorus with impromtu)

"From the courts of Buckingham
to the courts of Nowhere Land
From the streets of Kensington
to the bowers of Kingdom Come
I'm coming!

Water! (panting like one is out of air, or em, water) waaaater! WATERVILLE!

I realized, after singing the silly song, that I needed to quit smoking to preserve my voice for serious songs. So I'm through! Until I have a migraine!

I figured it out! I was talking to this guy and he was saying I was CIA and I said:

By jove, I've got it! I was thinking this had something to do with the Red and Blues but NOoooooo, it's the FBIs and CIAs.

I am bound and tied by something greater than myself
love, and i don't know the face in an instance
nor do i know the time
but i am bound to my son and to this man
who keeps me
and despite time and distance and silence i love him
and know he loves me
true love is very rare
and i have it
know it
and yet through a veil darkly
it isn't time but i know this time will come when all is revealed
to this day and night
i love him
when you see me behind a wall or door
do not imagine i have found another
or anything to replace this
or something to pacify me for the time being
i know what i want
who i want is yet to be determined
but i know what i want and wait for it patiently
not giving in to any whim
not givng up to any group or bet
just being true to myself
knowing the truth will one day set me free
don't cry for me if you imagine me to be sorry or sad
never think i regret my fate, my past, present and future
only content yourself with knowing i know
that i am loved and this is enough movie, radio, technology tricks
nor scare tactics will deter me from this
i see but through a veil darkly and one day all will be revealed
no country, nation, religion, or military group will keep me
from your thoughts nor you from mine
nothing will stand inbetween us
if you hold to me as i hold to you
there is nothing in the world which would compare to you
no millions, no fame, no glory, no position or story
poverty and deceipt and ground are glory enough for me
to be at your feet
and with you
i know love when i feel with my heart
and i know when my heart is leading me to a course i cannot do
anything about but to say, it's done, i'm not fighting it
and i will just take one day at a time
however lonely i may be or however much company i may keep
i have something to give
which is better than roses
which fade and turn to memories
i have a beating heart which will live as long as i live
forgeting nothing
knowing i have half of the picture but knowing still
that this is there is something to keep
in reserve for a better future
and if never, for preservation
nothing anyone does to me should get to you
because i fear nothing, i rise from every fall, and i am stronger
with every insult and each blow
i am a better woman because of it
i put on my crown of thorns
and i wear this crown with pride
don't take that from me by worry or with tears
be glad for me
that i am happy to carry this beautiful cross

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