Saturday, August 29, 2009

images & explanation of "vibe" (heart thing)

ah, all work and no play
hmmmph i know who is staying
i know who you're seeing
i can see
mis ojos, oh, pero tu no sabes espanol
tu eres ingles
i'm in the same place--haven't moved an inch
let's just say
my eyes take me around the world
no hiding
no run for cover
no secrets
i got a mesage from the action man
...still have that strong positive vibe. it's been almost all day. 1:55 PST. very srong at 1:57 PST. it's sort of a feeling like being drunk in a good way but you don't need a drink and haven't had anything at all. except it's not in the head. it's not being buzzed. it's right at the heart. and i really don't care how weird that sounds, because people either understand or they don't. some people call such a feeling a "burning in the bosom" (mormon), others call it enlightenment, others call it a spiritual experience, some call it energy, others call it a "vibe", and it's not in the head at all. it's right in the center, and it doesn't affect reality or action or any kind of decision-making. it's totally different. it's at the heart and that's the only way i know how to describe it. i wish i could put it into words better without making it sound so odd. but it doesn't have anything to do with a mental process, it's a heart thing. I feel it in my heart.

I think it actually sounds more strange to call it a "vibe" because no one has any clue what this means. It's not like a bodily sensation or anything in the head. It's just at the heart and I sense it.

The image of Bujanda's prayer card what was in his police car comes to mind: the sacred heart of christ. With the flames around the heart. This symbol sort of fits but that's not what this is regarding, for me. I know that this has something to do with someone who cares about me, I'm quite sure.

still have this vibe. 7:36 PM. still very strong but it's driving me, no...that would be bad to say "nuts". driving me to distraction, but i got more information on nursing.

i like this one dire straights song so much i stopped for a minute but i am looking into the programs.

i did it! i looked into the program, and sent out email to wenatchee program. i am looking into nursing. well, this is definitely a change of plans but i feel it is right. i think it's right in every way. it would put me into a marketable job and get me making money doing something that at least involves science and people. and i'm trying to figure out if i could maybe do practical nursing first and work to make money but work torwards RN degree. I like the nurse practioner thing better, but maybe I can take the 2 year part and switch over. i don't know.

i decided to delete my earlier posts. i had some things happen but then decided i guess it really is better to just quit, unless i'm directly in danger. i was writing about computer stuff but in some ways, writing about these things just feeds it. i think it makes whoever is doing this stuff, happy to have the advertisement and credit. so i'm not going to do it anymore. i think it just needs to go away.

i also know i've made a mistake or two but i feel very committed to waiting for this person i know i'm supposed to be with in the future. i am not going to say who and i'm not always sure. but i'm just at peace with everything.

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