Friday, August 28, 2009

Details On Names & History

First I will say, I don't know anything really "big". Nothing to get anyone into trouble, but I've just had a lot of mind games played and I'm tired of that:

I am trying to think how I would even start to detail all the things that have happened since I was in D.C. and before, back to even what was happening in E. Wenatchee and then everything that followed.

I have a lot of names and a lot of people are linked, but I don't know how. But many people knew eachother and there were a lot of mind games.

So I think about writing things down and wonder how to get it all down, and how it will come across. I'm really tired of the mind games, mainly. I'm tired of "being passed around" as some have gotten a kick out of this. Despite all of it, I have been at peace or at least, very strong. R.J.R. said I was "tough" and I am. But I'm really tired of some things. I keep walking right into the lies and games and it's been destructive in the sense that it's been distracting and also, then I was getting harmed and poisoned, so, well, that is a good reason to be done with "the game" that has been planned out for me. If you don't believe there has been a "plan" among some individuals, to bring me down, if you start following the names and IDs I'm sure someone else could figure out how these people are connected.

I don't have animosity towards anyone and I don't feel brought down either. I feel very strong and better than ever, just recently (maybe because I'm not being poisoned). I want peace and I have asked for forgiveness for my own faults. On the other hand, some of the games haven't ended and they are intended to humiliate me or break me down. It's not working. I'm not breaking down and I'm not humiliated either. I'm just to the point where I'm tired of it and I'm tired of covering for people who don't care about me. Who don't care about me OR my son.

To me, I'm actually almost willing to say, after being poisoned, I don't even care anymore. I almost want to just give it all up, and not even name anyone, or go into details.

What holds me back, and I may hold back longer, or indefinitely, is if I feel writing about anything would put ANYONE else in danger or at risk. You know what, I don't even wish for any harm to come to those who have harmed me. I want justice, but that doesn't mean my desire is for others to be punished. I just want people to leave me alone. I mean, not leave me alone so I'm isolated, but I don't want to be harassed anymore. I like people, and I enjoy having company and joking around with just about anyone, but I'm tired of things like lies, death threats, and that sort of thing. I want it to stop. If I knew what to do besides talk, I would do it.

I have nothing to say right now, because I constantly worry that if I say too much I could jeopardize people I don't want to jeopardize. So instead I don't even write about half the things going on.

I feel I need another gift: discernment.

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