Friday, August 28, 2009

Warrant! Yikes. But Okay!

I was so involved in my migraine management, and getting over the poisoning stuff, and then overwhelmed with housing matters, and filing to get back into college, and a few other things, that I totally spaced my hearing.

So they filed a warrant for my arrest. I missed it and then I freaked out. They filed a warrant thing but I guess I'll be okay because it's not going out for awhile and then my very good friend got my back on it and I'm going to get bailed out before I even go in.

So I'm very thankful and lucky.

I prayed the night before. This guy I was hanging out with said, "Don't ask for anything!" I said, "I prayed for forgiveness and grace." I got grace at least, through a friend and family. Then I also asked him to pray for me and he prayed for strength, courage, and focus. All things I could use more of.

When I prayed I had to pray on my knees. I prayed on my knees with my hands down in front of me. I don't know. It seemed the right posture to take.

I don't think there's anything wrong with asking for something in prayer either. "Ask and you shall receive." I think it's more about asking for things which are good things to ask for.

I am probably going to church this Sunday, the one my friend goes to, the one who helped me out. Just visiting at least.

I'm very thankful though, and my friend already sent over money to back me and everything. I swore to him I wouldn't miss the next hearing.

I have to buy a planner. It's the first thing on my list. A planner.

And I am going back to college. I'm making all the necessary arrangements to get back in. So excited about it and I'm finally tracking down all my loan stuff to get it all in order. I am REALLY excited to get back into school. I am hoping..hoping, I could try to pull for all A's this time. My GPA is 3.6 but I want it higher. I want to nudge it up and might add a few classes to get a minor just to get the GPA up because then I want to go further.

I actually got a lot done that day. I lined a lot of things up. I have been too stressed out to focus very well, like I used to, but I got it together.

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