Friday, August 14, 2009

Menstrual Period Abnormalities & Crazies From The Closet

The pattern of periods in the last two years and my life prior to whatever was going on in E. Wenatchee:

1. Normal 5 day periods, unchanging from age 13 until residence in E. Wenatchee,

2. Three months or more of cessation of periods, intermittent diarrhea, some blood in stool, hair falling out, hair not growing on body anymore, seizure, low potassium levels needing to be corrected, severe muscle fasciculations, abnormally low alkaline phosphate and low glucose. Extreme pain and fatigue, not commensurate with normal pain from injuries.

3. Move to Canada. Next period normal for first time in 3-4 months. A regular cycle for 5 days while staying with people in Penticton. Son and I no longer have muscle fasciculations and neither one of us are awakened from our sleep with shocks of pain and my son doesn't cry out anymore or have the twitching. His toenails are curled up in a weird way although he has had good nutrition and excercise. My nails also have a warped effect which returns to normal after they've grown out and we don't experience whatever was formerly affecting our health in E. Wenatchee.

4. After one normal period, my periods begin to dwindle away to shorter and shorter lengths. I moved to Whatcom County and stayed with some people and ate food given to me. I stayed with various families for almost a year and my period pretty much quit, to only one day a week and very light at that.

5. I meet Alvaro and he is specifically nervous about my being tested for "horomones" and asks me not to get tested for this. He wants me to go to a different Colombian doctor. This is after I have miscarried and hemmorhaged. I live with Alvaro until he leaves and he cooks often. Right before I got pregnant and miscarried, I did have a somewhat longer cycle of maybe 3 days but light. I thought I was in perimenopause.

6. Alvaro leaves and for the first time in a long time, I'm preparing my own food or eating out or buying my own stuff on the run. My periods come back. The first one I had after he left was a normal 5 day type cycle. It's sort of like I was on birth control without knowing it all along, or some kind of protective med to keep me from bleeding as much as I might have.

7. The second or third period I had after Alvaro was gone, was abnormally long and severe. There were no clots like normal, just a lot of thin and bright red blood. No normal period type blood, just heavy bright red bleeding for about 8 days or so. I was living at the Wenatchee location with the guys at that time.

8. I had lied to everyone, and on my blog, claiming I was in full menopause. I didn't think it was anyone's business whether I was or not. The exact opposite was going on, and I was bleeding more than usual. I wanted to see if anything happened or what reactions might be. The only thing that happened, is that I had people coming around with empty baby bassinets and cradles and then I was getting literally shocked with something by a housemate.

9. Since being shocked and having a few weird things happen, I haven't had a period. I don't know if I'll have one or not this round. I just know I had abnormal and extreme internal bleeding that was renal and was NOT due to anxiety or colitis or anything like hemmoroids. It was totally not normal and I had abnormally low potassium and abnormally low CO2 with it.

Right after I asked Alvaro to leave, I had people specifically going out of their way to make me look crazy, and doing odd things to smear me or defame me. I had people come out to set me up on stuff i didn't do, and I was harassed publicly and followed around in Wenatchee with people yelling stuff out their windows, and then I had the Holt and other households in Wenatchee doing just really bizarre stuff and then trying to act like I had imagined things or I was the crazy one. My things were stolen again, evidence taken, and I was being set up to sound nuts, which I'm not.

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