Friday, August 14, 2009

Fictional Blog--What Is True or Not

Of course, it may also be possible that everything I've written about being followed and all these odd things happening, and symptoms or whatever, even numbers and colors, it could be that I am making this up.

It could be that I've had some bleeding and had some threats, but that I'm handling it fine and not panicking and thinking about poisoning. Just normal health concerns that one woman didn't take seriously.

It could also be that there are a few people who have messed with me, just for fun.

It's true that I was shocked by something by my former housemate--I wouldn't lie about that.

It's also true I was bleeding and that I had some blood chemistry abnormalities.

As for some of the other things, I've always said I am working on a book and fleshing out my ideas and characters.

I answered the MMPI for the eval honestly and there were no paranoia indicators. I answered a lot of anxiety questions simply because without having work and money, and the situation with my son, it is totally natural to have elevated levels of anxiety.

Other than that, there is nothing bizarre or wrong with me, and if someone wants to know what is magnified for my book ideas, they can ask me.

I did have someone tell me to get in the car recently and I didn't, and the key thing was odd, but I am not worried about not eating anything or being followed all the time.

I quit smoking for the most part, because I was losing too much weight! It's not good! I'm already thin, and yet I took it up to see if it would help with migraine at all. I'm told it does, and it has, because it stimulates blood circulation in the head and counters constriction which occurs with migraine. It also is an anti-inflammatory. To take up smoking at 34 was more of a medicinal experiment than anything else, to see if it helped with migraine. I didn't start self-medicating with it for anxiety and I don't drink hardly at all.

I should go dancing more.

I miss dancing.

As for anyone doing any kind of drug or being involved with stuff, I haven't seen any evidence of this at all, in forever. The first time in my life I ever even saw POT, was when I was 28 years old and I didn't smoke it. I'd never even been offered any. I never saw it again until I was in Whatcom County after my son was taken from me and I pretty much didn't use it. I don't know anyone and I'm not involved with anyone, who is into any of this and I've never known anything but hearsay about some things.

My actual physical health stuff is true, about the off-on bleeding and stuff. What it's caused by I don't know. I have otherwise been strong and healthy and not fatigued or in any kind of pain which would require painkillers of any kind. I haven't used very much ibuprofen even.

I also had an officer tell me he felt concerned about my safety but that's just what he told me. I didn't make up anything about a lot of vandalisms and thefts and a few warnings I've received in Wenatchee which were concerning and I have witness statements from some neighbors about that. But it's all verifiable and not "out there".

If something happens to me, assume it's all true, and if nothing does, assume it's all fictional (lol).

I started looking for a publisher recently and talked to some people about getting an agent.

I wrote on my blog that I wasn't having periods anymore and was in full menopause. It wasn't true. It was fiction. I am having periods again and they're more than usual.

No one should assume anything by reading my blog, unless they want to get me under oath. I have written about plenty of things that would sound like I'm going nuts but half of it isn't true and I just write it for my book or to see what the reaction will be. Having a full loss of periods, I knew, some would ascribe to being either mentally ill or having them quit due to severe stress or anxiety.

But, I'm having periods since my Ex left, and they're more than normal even.

I would base decisions on my mental health by objective testing, like the MMPI and the APPY and anything else that one might use to accurately determine someone's state, even personal interview. But I don't divulge everything to strangers, so what I might tell you or what I might write about on my blog, isn't going to necessarily be what is actually going on or reflect my actual perceptions.

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