Saturday, August 15, 2009

I Quit Breathing

I am not going to give any identifying information, but I was told just recently, by someone who was telling me in a mixture of anger and tears in eyes, that I had quit breathing.

About the time I wasn't feeling well and knew something was wrong.

This person said I had not been safe and added, "You quit breathing" and then, "You were choking."

It did not sound figurative but literal and I had not given any personal info to this person and yet they knew what had been going on with me.

I want to find out how they knew and what happened.

It seems I would remember but I don't know if I fell asleep one night and almost died and can't remember anything from it.

At any rate, I'm much better health wise now.

My heart had been doing weird things and my lungs were sort of wheezy. I was running hot and cold and what's weird is that I even had something affecting my eyes a little bit. I don't know how to describe it, but I would get this odd pain in my eye, very fleeting, like a sharp feeling. I don't know how to describe it.

What's odd is that now I feel totally fine and yet I'm no less stressed by any means. I really did ingest something that wasn't okay.

I think it was different from whatever caused the internal bleeding. I noticed the effect to my tongue and the odd metallic taste to a cigarette or two but I think that was it.

Everything seems to be back to normal now.

I think I'm not having a period this month, after having a hemmorhagic one the last couple of times, especially the last one.

I looked up poisons briefly and the type or class that fits best is systemic poison. The internal bleeding may have been from something like rat poison, but the other symptoms I was having were affecting the central nervous system and then, it says it affects respiration. I wasn't vomiting.

What I did do, when I was feeling these odd effects, is something I've just read is a household antidote and or emetic and that is to dilute it through water or milk. I decided to drink a shitload of water. I drank glass after glass after glass and kept having to run to the restroom.

This, combined with my refusal to ingest or smoke anything that was given to me fully, may have helped.

I also read up on cumulative poisons, and these can include irritants like mercury, arsenic, and other corrosives and they don't cause any apparent harm until they suddenly accumulate and then it's all at once, with bleeding or something.

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