Saturday, August 15, 2009

My Full List Of Health Symptoms Of Late

These were my symptoms, which may have been caused by?:

1. Internal bleeding, rectal, bright fluid red,
2. Diarrhea with blood throughout
3. Dizziness (and some sudden explained fatigue and more sleepy than usual)
4. Tachycardia (134 beats per minute or more, without rapid or shallow breathing)

Also: abnormally low potassium (3.2) and abnormally low CO2 (20), and borderline low clotting factors and coagulation--right on the low line...and I don't smoke hardly at all nor has it been very long. Maybe 2-3 weeks and very light (first 1 or less cigs a day and then about 3 a day).

Later noticed, additionally, from something else possibly,

5. Metallic taste on tongue, at first from cig and then coming and going.
6. Tip of tongue red where first tasted metallic taste, small blister on side of tongue
7. Severe chills. Inducing shivering and need for extra sweaters and coat in summer,
8. Paresthesia. Random odd nervous system sensations including tingling, fleeting burning sensation on lip, eye pain (sort of icy cold pricking pain), buzzing feeling on right knee...Odd and random enough that I thought maybe my old neck repair wasn't holding up and my spine was being pinched or something.
9. Polyuria. Could have been because I was drinking so much water.
10. Possible hemoglobinuria. (if there was truly a trace of blood in urine)
11. Ecchymoses. Bruises larger than 3 mm.
12. White very small round patches of skin appearing overnight on one arm and leg.
13. Possible keratoses or psoraisis (small patch appeared on cheek that is darker brown and and has calloused feel. Only one.

Eventual: I guess I quit breathing and was choking. I don't even remember this but I remember feeling nervous about falling asleep as though I might not wake up.

I somehow feel back to myself since yesterday and today. No reason for it that I can explain. I wasn't hallucinating, hearing things, or having any odd behavioral problems. I just knew something was wrong with my body and I somehow came around the bend just fine.

I did not have:

1. No sweating, though I was possibly was a little clammy momentarily from worry
2. No abnormal anxiety, rapid breathing like when one has a panic attack and feels they can't get enough oxygen. Didn't feel panicky or out of air at all, just the heart stuff going on.
3. No vomiting.
4. No stomach pain but a slight gastrointestinal upset with diarrhea. No real pain.
5. No nausea
6. No headaches


1. I am not HIV positive nor do I have AIDS or any other immune disorder
2. I did not imagine these symptoms and they were observed by others
3. I do not have renal or kidney failure from some other cause
4. I have and had been eating a well-balanced diet and getting fluids
5. My stress levels have not improved and yet my health is back to normal.
6. I do not have cancer or any kind of disease
7. I do not higher stress levels now than any other time and they've been constant, not in fluctuation. I have also not had mood swings of any kind.
8. I do not have an ulcer
9. I do not have hemmoroids or anything to explain severe sporadic rectal bleeding


One of the oddest things is the pattern of small white patches of skin. What could cause small parts of my skin to go from normal tan color to white within a day or two? Why are there so many of them in a scattered pattern on just one arm and not the other? They are not peeling at all, but have a slight flaky appearance. The skin is flaking off where these little patches are, but how did the skin so quickly turn from normal color to white?

It's sort of like what my mother's skin did when she had laser surgery. It gets the skin to slough off and the skin is lighter afterward.

The size of the little marks are from dime size to freckle size and are mainly round but some are more uneven. Most are not sloughing off, they're just white. I have one that is larger on my shin.

This isn't from any kind of skin disorder or problem I've had in the past. This is something new.

It reminds me of the time I found a red round mark on my son, in E.Wenatchee, under his diaper where there was no way he could get a burn and then it peeled like a sunburn and when I took him to the doctor the doctor said he'd never seen anything like it but to not worry about it. The doctor knew it wasn't any kind of sign of abuse at all, or negligence on my part. He said it was very odd and didn't know what to make of it.

There was no way my son was out in the sun without a diaper and he was never playing without one, and never, ever, unsupervised. I would have noticed something if anything had happened.

Here is a small clip about laser lightening of skin, but after reading, one thing to note is that arsenic poisoning and some pesticides directly affect melanin production. I don't know what kind of pattern either would manifest as. Here's the clip from a medical site. I'll find the link to the sites that speak about chemicals affecting melanin as well:

"Skin discoloration
There may be a permanent lightening of the skin in the treated area. As the laser works by attacking the pigmentation in darker colored hair it can sometimes affect darker colored skin as well. How skin lightening occurs is not clear, but it seems the laser can destroy the skin melanocyte pigment producing cells. The skin discoloration may be permanent though it can very slowly recover in some cases."

To me, it seems I was hemmorhaging and feeling dizzy from one thing and then the metallic taste was from something different.

I would think it was one thing and then possibly another thing.

I will be taking photos of the marks on my arm and leg to prove this is real.

I guess the best proof is that I quit breathing and was choking, just a couple days after supposedly, the doctors at Virginia-Mason said nothing was wrong.

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