Friday, August 7, 2009

Recent Series of Threats & Intimidation

First of all, two groups have been honest with me and I'm not going to say which. But I got information from one individual who said it was pointless for me to find work in this state, and said too that I was being followed.

He wasn't trying to scare me--he was being honest and saying the same thing I already knew. I didn't know I wouldn't be able to find work, I was still hopeful, but I became a believer when what he said was proven true several times.

There were people in D.C. who must have known ahead of time as well. When you have so many people telling you you're fighting an uphill battle and there is no hope but for a miracle, I paid attention but I didn't think it seriously impossible. All I would have to do is follow the law, the course of the justice system, and the truth would prevail in a favorable outcome for me. But I have too many people who hate me who are in powerful positions and there has been too much cover up and lying to get anywhere. Then the guard was dropped by some, and I started getting even more bizarre information or confirmation of what has been going on.

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