Friday, August 7, 2009

Timeline of Events Since I Left Wenatchee For Psych Eval

I left off as I was leaving to go to Vancouver, WA for a psych evaluation.

Everything in Wenatchee had become toxic, or already was, but it was coming to the surface.

I was told I had to go with this one attorney or no one. After almost a year of denying me legal counsel, at the last minute Judge Hotchkiss decides to throw in a lawyer right before termination of parental rights.

The state workers on this case have been lying. Their visitation monitors have lied excessively, as a favor to people they know, and the main case worker has lied from Day One.

They got court orders to prevent me from even audio taping the visits with my son, when in no way is audio taping even NOTICED by my son nor does it affect visits. The reason they wanted it was to prevent me from being able to keep the record straight.

Then I have all these guys from some group driving by my house, saluting and tipping their hat as they drive by and I knew something was brewing.

Addtionally, I have been getting texts to my cell phone which are mysterious. One was the simple number of "one million". Another, had a photo of a river, the Wenatchee River, and then the caption for a pharmaceutical research company with an ad about a boy named "Michael". There have been a lot of references to "Michael" lately.

One came from a Wenatchee pastor, who prayed with me and said the "Archangel MICHAEL" should protect me. He seemed to think this was amusing. But it was like I couldn't tell if this was some kind of joke or what. He prayed a lot of things that were not normal prayers and said he and his family were flying out to the Midwest after I was looking up the Midwest on a map on my computer. He said I might want to leave Wenatchee sooner rather than later and told me he was Canadian. Same guy who preached about ZPE devices.

Then I have everybody, including my own brother, giving me $40 and making a point of the fact that it's $40. I had one man who drove me to Seattle, who is from Wenatchee, give me $20 and then another $20, after exchanging looks with my former Seattle housemate in his rearview mirror. Making a point of the fact it was $40 and then looking at her for her reaction and she was looking at him. They wanted me to go back to Wenatchee. So then I'm in the car with him to go back and decided against it for safety reasons, and he's telling me he won't drop me off at Everett but instead, at Cle Elum. I asked him how I was supposed to do anything, catch a ride or get back to Wenatchee, from Cle Elum, which is a tiny town in the sticks with no bus access. He has some red, black, and white airplane windmill (a lawn ornament) in his lawn with a cross and said it was the German blitz plane or something when I asked.

After my fiance left, a lot of people coming out of the woodwork to offer me dinner and making a point of the fact it's pork. I've never had so much pork in my life, and why this is a big deal, I've no idea. But every single offered meal in Wenatchee has been pork and a big deal made about it.

This is all after my housemate in Wenatchee, Chris, shocks me with some kind of device in the middle of the night, and then I find out my evidence for the case with my son is being deleted from his computer. After I moved in, he and housemates were backing out on giving rides to visits when they promised to give rides. After I moved in, Chris made a point to change his screen name on his computer to "Freddy" and when I asked why, he said it was in reference to "Friday the 13th": Freddy Krouger and he added an Iron Maiden screen saver with a predator holding some kind of CB or cell phone type weapon in the left hand and shooting electricity from the other hand. Blood appeared on his door and it wasn't accidental, it was a deliberate stripe of blood and he didn't bother to clean it off. Two new housemates moved in and he told me the dealer was his best friend and that guy and his girlfriend were telling me dying by bleeding to death would be a good way to go and the guy was saying he could stalk and assassinate someone, anyone, no problem and that he wanted that job. This is after a few guys in Wenatchee tell me I'll be killed for saying anything about a Wenatchee judge using cocaine, even though I don't know who it is. They said the reason I wasn't dead yet was because I didn't know who it was.

The number "13" was on the dumpster outside of the house.

Another housemate, Ben Ebert, kept saying things about how things were done at 4 a.m. in the morning. Like, we all woke up at 4 because the cat knocked something over, which wasn't true. I found him going through my bag at the house. Every single one of my sweaters was stolen from that house. I have no sweaters left.

The other housemates who moved in kept pointing cell phones at me all night, but didn't want me to know, and then after I wrote about it on my computer, the 11 year old son for my attorney in Wenatchee pipes up afterwards, on the way back from a hearing, and reminds his mom how she was talking about cell phones used as weapons. He was saying, "Remember mom, how you said..." when I asked to borrow the cell phone in the car.

The night that I got the shock to my leg, was pretty much right before I left. I didn't like how odd the new housemates were, who kept getting really close to where I slept and were directing their phones at me all night, and I thought it was strange, so I asked to sleep on the floor in Chris' bedroom. Before I fully knew what HE was up to. So he said okay and it's a small room and then I wake up in the middle of the night when my left leg is convulsing from some kind of shock, from the foot to the knee, and I turned around and saw Chris already wide awake, facing me, within arm's reach of my leg, and hiding something beneath his comforter. I said, "What are you DOING?" and he said, "I'm trying to find you--you're blending into the ground."

I wanted to go to police but some in Wenatchee are crooked and I didn't know who I would get and felt it would put me at further risk. I didn't talk about finding out someone was a drug dealer because I felt it put me in more danger, but then when I had to file a Protective Order recently, I included it simply because it lends credence to the fact that someone could have access to some kind of weapon that most people wouldn't have, or something used in a non-traditional sense. They're all into electronics and then you add a drug dealer and another housemate with possible law enforcement connections, and you don't know what access someone might have to something. I didn't see what it was, because it was dark and then hidden.

I had the same kind of stomach pain and back pain that I and my son experienced in East Wenatchee, and I had the same diarrhea as well. Whatever was being used at the end of my stay at that house, was the same kind of thing that was used in East Wenatchee. I didn't tell one single person about it while in Wenatchee, but then what was interesting was that I was approached after this, and two different people wanted me to go to the hospital. They kept asking if I wanted to go for medical treatment. Right. And finally get locked up before I ever got to the psych eval and took the objective MMPI which would clear me of a "severe mental illness" and only confirm anxiety for very good cause.

The same officer who first came out and wanted the scoop on what I was going to report was driving by with some Italian guy following her in a sedan late at night when no one was on the road and I was looking for a new place to stay. Officer Silvestre. Silvestre has been involved in my life in the past, and not in a good way. When she came to the station, I sensed it would be a mistake to say anything to her about what happened and I only said I was going to go back to try to see if I could obtain what was used against me. A car with some hispanic gang people drove by slowly and they exchanged nods as I was about to leave. I wasn't going to say anything to Sylvestre.

Housemates got wind of my going to police and asked me to leave. I was only staying a little longer to invite them to do it again so I could try to find out what it was. But I left, and that's when Sylvestre and this other clean shaven Italian guy were driving by after I refused two different offers, and the Italian guy made a point to stare at me and grin. There was NO ONE on the road. I was walking, and then it was Sylvestre and this other guy close behind her in a tan-gold sedan. This was after I refused to go to the hospital for "medical treatment" when I'd said nothing to anyone about what had just happened.

It seems some thought maybe if the same thing happened to me that happened in E.Wenatchee, I'd repeat myself and go to the hospital like I did then. And then this time, they'd make sure the right mental health guy was present to admit me. I was not going to the hospital and I had not told one single person in Wenatchee what had happened, so it was odd people were approaching me to go. There was no reason for it unless they knew something I hadn't even talked about.

The housemates that moved in were known drug dealers and practiced self-mutiliation and when I asked why, I was told it was to make themselves "stronger." They were not just cutting scars, there was more. One large mark was the size of a quarter and raised and I was told he did it to himself, burned himself by pressing some object into his skin. This is the same guy who said he could be an assassin. He and Chris have been best friends since jr. high. I was approached and invited to stay at that house temporarily, by Ben Ebert.

I left for Vancouver to have the psych eval done after refusing offers to go to the hospital for medical treatment after I was shocked or whatever. I got stuck in Longview, and was followed by a ton of gang-types and I have no idea why. I had some of them tell me I was about to be killed.

I noticed a lot of these people would wear black and white or were wearing red, white, and green, like Christmas colors, and a few days later I met these guys who started talking about specific gang bangers wearing red, green, and white. I'll get to that. Chris added a green and red dragon tail thing to his room after I was there a little while. He had it hanging from his closet. I started noticing all the green and red combos after I talked about how my son's last memory with me was at Christmastime, when the stuff in E. Wenatchee was going on.

I was followed in Longview and had several guys try to get me to take a ride with them in their cars and I refused. There was a lot of stuff going on in Longview. I had a lot of people approach me for info and want to know what was going on. Two younger guys approached me to walk me around town and one always chose to wear red while the other wore green. The three of us were approached by an older man and woman in black and white, both of them, who chose to give the two guys Jehovah's Witness pamphlets that said "Awake!" on them and then picked out the one that talked about "Judgement Day" for me. Then she and her husband drove off laughing.

The guy who wanted to drop me off in Cle Elum told me I would never make it back to Wenatchee after going to Vancouver for the psych eval. Another guy, the pastor I went to, Protestant, said the exact same thing. Said I'd never make it back.

Oh, it gets even better.

When I decided not to take a bus to Vancouver from Longview, two Longview police officers began to stalk me. I had decided against the bus because I didn't know for sure what the other younger guys were up to and I didn't want anyone reporting to someone on my location and whereabouts. So I told them goodbye and went on my own and asked to use a phone at a business to call a taxi. Then the taxi's arrived and not one of the drivers was carrying legitimate documentation to prove they were licensed so I didn't get in. So then I see people driving by, looking very pissed, and the next thing that happened is two Longview police cars pulled up.

They approached ME as I was standing outside waiting for a proper driver, and I didn't have a good vibe from them. They told me I was the one doing something wrong, by asking to use a phone to call a taxi. I asked how this was wrong. I was afraid I was going to be arrested for asking to use a phone or phonebook. So then they told me I couldn't stand in front of that business and that I would have to wait for a driver across the street. I wrote both their names down and have them in my bag.

I was courteous and said okay and the cops just hung out, watching me. After yet another driver arrived who didn't have proper ID, I went into the older person's club and asked to see a phone book again. The woman was very friendly and I was the same way with her as I was with the other business owner. She didn't have a problem at all. Next thing I knew, those two officers came into the building and asked me what I was doing. I said I was using a phone book to call a church and they could speak to the woman I'd just talked to if they liked. She was normal. These officers decided they didn't want to. They kept hanging around though, and it was odd they were spending any time on me at all. I asked them if there was something I could help them with because I didn't know what the problem was. They had no answer. I continued to have them watching me until I left that building and went to another.

I got to Vancouver eventually, and in time for the appointment. I sat in the lobby as Christian music was piped in. I thought this was interesting, when Western Psychological is, I thought, a secular organization and not affiliated with any religion.

I met with Lucretia Krebs, who was not black as I thought she'd be. I thought she was black because the first name is more of a traditional African-American name. Also, she hadn't corrected me when I mentioned this to her over the phone, and it was also strange then, when I discovered she was white, that she'd addressed me as "Ma'am" when she wasn't black or from the South and never addressed anyone else in that way. She was wearing black and white and told me to sit at a particular place. After we sat down and began to talk, she got a phone call which she didn't answer. She showed me a letter from Michelle Erickson which requested an oral eval, the MMPI, and an I.Q. test. The fax and letter were dated one day earlier.

I told Lucretia I had not been told I had to do an I.Q. test. I said I didn't see the relevance in doing an I.Q. test unless I showed signs of mental retardation which impaired parenting. Other psychologists had not been instructed to administer an I.Q. test. I had also been told that afternoon was blocked out for me from 12:30 p.m.-7 p.m. and would be completed in one visit.

Lucretia said I was refusing to do the I.Q. test. I said I wasn't refusing, I was just asking why this was necessary and for what purpose and I said I felt it was an invasion of my privacy. I said I was asking questions but I was not refusing. I told her I would do whatever I was instructed to do in order to "comply" with the "services". So then she acted like she didn't like this answer and told me I would have to come back at a later date to do the I.Q. test.

I asked why I had to come back and said it was supposed to be completed in one visit and I was blocked out until 7 p.m. She said, no, she had other appointments and I'd have to come back, after she was on vacation for weeks.

So I did the oral part and found some of her questions a little odd. She asked standard questions, but then she wanted to know a lot about the father of my son, and wanted to know, specifically, if it was the result of a rape or non-consensual act or not. I told her I didn't know her well enough and said, "no comment."

Then I was to do the MMPI and I asked if I could take a quick break to get some coffee. She had earlier instructed me to get coffee before the visit, telling me there was a Chevron nearby where I could get some but that I couldn't be late. I found out the Chevron was at least 20 minutes away if I'd walked there and chose not to go. Instead, I walked inside a nearby business and they had coffee which I could take, and did, prior to the evaluation.

When I wanted to take a quick break to have coffee before the MMPI, Lucretia said this was fine but then I didn't leave as she thought I'd left, and I heard her going around the corner with colleagues, talking about ME, and saying derisively that "She had to leave to take something for ENERGY" and she went on, mocking me while her two other colleagues laughed. When I heard this, I turned around and announced to their front desk that I was not going to leave for coffee and I was ready to take the MMPI then and there. She appeared surprised to find me still standing there. After I heard her making these remarks to the others, I knew I wasn't going to get anything close to a fair evaluation. She was biased and mocking me besides.

I took the MMPI but when I got into the room my back and stomach were hurting badly. I still completed the test and the total evaluation in less than 3 hours. It probably was closer to 2 1/2 hours for the entire oral portion and MMPI combined, because we got up to break and there were some other small delays.

Afterwards, Lucretia told me she couldn't do the I.Q. test because she had to orally administer the entire thing to me and didn't have time. I asked where results went for the MMPI and she told me they were sent to Portland, Oregon to the corporate offices from the office in Vancouver.

I left to go to another business to fax something to the state offices and took awhile. I faxed over stating I had tried to take the I.Q. test and complete the eval but was told there wasn't time. I asked for someone to call and get back to me but no one did. I wanted to make documentation that I was actually making an effort and that the delay and stalling was, once again, not on my end.

I walked back to the psychological offices to make the next appointment and when I found Lucretia, I asked if I could look at the test I'd taken to be sure I'd filled everything in. This was almost 2 hours later and she pulled my MMPI out of her personal handbag. It wasn't in a file or box or basket to be shipped out to corporate offices in Oregon, by my guess, if it was in her own personal handbag.

When I left, I had bad back and stomach pain and diarhhea once again, but I wasn't stressed out and not nervous either. It had started while I was in the separate room to take the MMPI or right before, while I was still in Lucretia's office. I haven't had it since, although there has been more stress. I sat outside and smoked a cigarette for awhile and once woman left, who was pleasant, and then another woman came out and smirked at me, and then rolled her window down and played the song, "The Old Me Is Dead And Gone", while staring at me as she slowly drove away. Then I walked out to the sidewalk and several cars with men primarily, were passing by and harassing me.

After all my efforts to get the psych eval done, Michelle Erickson announced to me the state was filing for termination anyway. It doesn't matter what I do, they have stalled and delayed so long, they are still using any and every excuse to have my son taken from me.

When I left the evaluation and came in later, secular music was being played at the psychological offices. It was only Christian music while I was in the waiting room, filling out papers.

Lucretia didn't even bother to reschedule for the I.Q. test. It was like she didn't expect to see me back.

I did the oral eval, took the MMPI, and the APPY test in less than 2 1/2 hours flat. I recorded the time on my own. I'm sure this must be standard, you know, for professional psychologists, to determine someone's behavior. It's called the Starbuck's Eval, where you go in for about an hour and talk about your life and end up with a diagnosis before your coffee has gone cold.

I asked that any information the state sent her later, be sent ahead of time so she and I could go over it, but the state didn't want to give me the opportunity to have any feedback. So they're sending anything that's out-of-context separately, when I'm not able to respond to it and make clarification.

If I'm normal, it's not difficult to knock a 1 hour evaluation apart.

In 2 days time, while I was attempting to have this psych eval done, there were 3 different appearances of individuals in cars, usually but not always, with Navy seals on the car, with empty baby bassinets and carriages in the backseat of the car. I had this pointed out to me three different times in 2 days while in Chehalis and Vancouver.

My brother then gave me a ride to Tacoma where I was to catch a bus back to Wenatchee, but given all the strange incidences and the situation in Wenatchee, I sought legal counsel and counsel from pastors of a church who all advised me to get protective orders before even trying to go back to Wenatchee, for my safety and the safety of my son. I was also told that I had upset very powerful, rich, and influential people in Wenatchee, and that this was part of what was going on over there, the underlying current or motive for trying to punish me and deprive me of due process and justice.

While in Tacoma, I looked for work opportunities as well as counsel, and ended up getting to hear a jazz band which was really good. They allowed me to sit in and sing with them. One woman first sang "Alice in Wonderland" and then several songs were recommended to me to sing. One man said I should sing "Meditation" and said, "Meditation, not medication" and wanted me to sing "The Billy Bounce." I had never heard either one of these but I sang some other standards instead. The last song played was an instrumental, "Take the A-train." They really wanted me to sing "The Billy Bounce" and "Take The A-train" but I'd never heard of "The Billy Bounce" and I couldn't remember all the words to A-train.

Every place I went to for work was hiring until, I guess, someone spoke with them and suddenly they weren't hiring anymore. I couldn't get a job. I was practically offered work at first-face and then it was turned around. I went back to one place and the woman told me she'd already hired but she hadn't and when I decided to sit down and check my mail, this guy who had been watching me got up and decided to play a couple of songs on the jukebox: "Break Down" and "Where The Streets Have No Name."

I sat down and the next thing I knew, I was spoken to by a couple of different men who approached me near the harbor. I felt they wanted information and I said I'd been receiving a lot of death threats and that things were going badly but I didn't know why any group would spend so much time trying to bury or harass me. I said I didn't know anything that was that significant and if I'd offended anyone, I hadn't meant to, that deeply.

The one guy was Native American. He was friends with another man who was introduced to me. I sat out on the boat with them. I was actually at the N.A. man's boat and his other friend called up and invited him over. They hadn't thought I would go with because I was relaxing and taking a break. But I spoke up and said I'd go. He was telling his friend he wanted a shot of Patron. He tried to encourage me to stay at the boat but I wanted to go along. So we walked out and the same guy was sitting there waiting. He was wearing the same thing but had put on a necklace. It was black and white beads. He didn't look happy to see me.

We went to his boat anyway and I talked with his daughter. After they'd had a few drinks and she had gone to bed, I found out the one with the necklace was Catholic but the N.A. guy told me he was Methodist. However, when I was given his keys to use the bathroom at the harbor, there was a medallion for a patron saint for ships on his keychain, so I had thought he was also Catholic.

They told me I was in trouble but probably not going to get killed. They said I was in danger because I was a threat to national security and that's why I would be targeted for a hit. I asked how I was a threat to National Security. They said there were ongoing projects and I knew too much but if I kept my mouth shut I would be alright. I said I didn't know anything but the one guy with the black and white necklace said over and over that I was a planned hit but I might just be in trouble, and not die. He said he was in the military formerly and did psychological sorting through people to find out where they were best placed. He talked about "tests" and how he screwed up his own position with the CIA but how he worked to filter others out for various law enforcement positions. The N.A. guy said he worked on the dock and was fixing up the boats of two cops and then his friend didn't want him to tell me the names of the cops. They brought out the Patron and did shots. I didn't. After the N.A. guy had a few he started telling his buddy to be quiet and not talk to me. Like he was worried his buddy would say something to me. His buddy kept saying not to worry, he wasn't going to say anything.

Then the N.A. guy said he liked me and all of a sudden, said, "You're alright, and I don't like gang bangers whether they're wearing green, red, or white, and I don't like child molestors, or motorcycle..." Then his buddy got nervous and told him to shut up. The N.A. guy seemed to fall asleep or pass out and then the other one talked to me, saying I wasn't the hit, he was going to be the hit and he was going to be in trouble. He told me I was in trouble but I probably wouldn't be bumped off. He asked me, "Are you a patriot?" I said, "What do you do I love my country?" He said, "Yeah." I said, "Yes, I probably love my country more than most. Which is why I've been disappointed. I wouldn't mind living somewhere else though, right now." He said, "So you're a patriot?" I said, "Yes." He said, "Good." He wanted to know why "Blackwater" had come to my mind. He wanted me to be quiet about anything I said about Blackwater. Blackwater wasn't what he was talking about when he was saying things about national security though. I hadn't brought it up until later. The other guy I met was Scottish and U.S. nationality and he was friends with them.

Later, the N.A. guy woke up, totally smashed, and I kept him from falling off the boat. If he had fallen off of the boat, he would have drowned and I couldn't have saved him. He almost fell over the edge. I told him to sit down and guided him away from the edge.

I had people approaching me in Tacoma, and following me, and then when I moved over to Seattle to file a protective order.

The first thing I noticed in Seattle, was some guy driving by me in an SUV with tinted windows, making a firing a gun motion at me. He made this motion with his hand and drove by slowly enough so that I could see this, but I couldn't see his face.

I got off the bus in Seattle and a man approached me and told me he knew people who would hire me to work as a waitress. Everything he took me to was around "The Flying Fish" and no one wanted to hire me, though he assured me they did. They didn't. It was more like they wanted me to believe I might be hired and then never get hired. We passed a woman who looked very familiar to me and then at his house, I noticed two things. He had a photo of his brother and brother's wife that looked really familiar. It looked like a photo I'd seen which was given to Christa Schneider. I asked how old it was and he didn't know. He and his brother were from Oregon and his brother and brother's wife still lived there. The other thing I noticed was the only book which was out, which was "Ugly Americans." I skimmed the book and realized the people in it, non-fiction, sounded just like what Christa's boyfriend, Ryan Barnes, was into. He'd done a lot of mutual funds trading and hedge funds stuff and knew Japanese fluently. He was also Ivy League. It sounded like one of his groups. Aside from that, and the red and green t-shirt, I didn't know what to think.

We got off the bus at one point, near his house, and some guy was standing there just staring me down. At the same time, two Seattle officers in blue cars drove by very slowly and the guys looked over at the one guy staring me down. The guy staring nodded to police and then got in the car and took off with Illinois plates.

I also met someone when I was at the courthouse filing the protective order. He said his name was Boris and said he was Jewish. He seemed to already know who I was although he first acted like he didn't. He told me it sounded like I'd been a whistleblower against very powerful, monied, groups and that would be the only reason any group would spend all this time and energy on me. He seemed friendly but then he kept saying I sounded paranoid or delusional and yet he acted like he already knew some of the things that had happened to me. He said I should try to apply at this place called "Flowers" and go to the library and do some reading. I called Flowers and they weren't hiring.

I ran into someone else I was acquainted with in Seattle, who told me I was wasting my time even looking for work. He said he already knew people were telling me I was going to get hired here and there but he had information that it was never going to happen. He was right. He knew before I did, even if I suspected. He said I was wasting my time and that I needed to get out of the state. I told him I couldn't leave and I was basically trapped to stay here where I couldn't get anywhere. He also said the state wasn't going to give me my son back and that I wasn't even going to be able to visit and it was all a big joke. He said it was set up against me. He also told me, "You're being followed." I said, "Yeah, I know."

I had one more lead for work by someone totally random and I called and they were looking for people to start immediately. I had a few people ask where I was staying in Seattle and I said where. I then met a couple of guys, one who looked very familiar but he said we didn't know eachother. They said they'd go with me to the restaurant where I wanted to apply. They claimed to be brand new to the area, but when I went to a store to use the restroom, one guy knew a password was needed for the door and the other guy knew exactly where the bathroom was. We made our way up and as we were walking, I was passed by several cars with people harassing me. Then, I specifically recognized one guy who was always following me around when I was in Portland, Oregon. It was the exact same man. I had always thought he was probably with the Bullivant Houser firm that represented the Abbey and Archdiocese. It was the exact same guy and he has a very unique look. If he is with Bullivant, they have branches in several states, at different locations, including Portland and Seattle. He clearly knew who I was too. He drove by and we walked to the place and when I gave the same guy my resume, who I had talked to earlier, he then looked over at another waitress and told me he'd call me if he needed anyone. Someone had already talked to him about me and it was clear, from the looks he and his other waitress exchanged.

I had a couple of drinks then with these guys and one invited a friend from the area, who was originally from Portland, Oregon, to the table. After I'd had a couple drinks, one especially, let down his guard and it was clear he didn't care for me. He said he had dual citizenship in England and the U.S. and then when I asked what his necklace had on it he said it was a saint from Lourdes. So we chatted, but it got a little weird and then while in the car with the friend that had come to the table later, that friend told me his father was a doctor who specialized in ultrasound technology and he asked if it bothered me.

They had been saying he could help me find a job too, through a temp agency, but it wasn't true.

I do not believe I will find work in this state, regardless of what I do.

This acquaintance I knew whom I spoke with, said as much.

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