Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hanging Out Tonight, With People

I am spending the night with some people I was neighbors with a long time ago. For some reason, I couldn't accept the room I had, and didn't want to be alone. I have no idea.

I had someone say today, "you win some, you lose some" and it felt off, somehow. Something...I don't know, is off. But I don't know what, or how.

I think I'm just tired of being alone.

I thought today, I know out there somewhere, there is a soulmate. Not someone I've met before but someone I think whom I don't know yet but who knows me and I think, I don't know. I was thinking about this tonight and thinking I wish we could be together even though my life is certaintly less than perfect now. It was a random feeling and I have no idea. But it seems true, in its own way. I think there is something I don't want to miss out on, down the road, and I hope he is well and safe and getting ahead or learning a lot, whichever is most important at the time, and I hope we don't miss eachother when our paths collide in the future. I hope. I think that despite all the stars being askew and stacked against me in every direction it seems, that there is something nothing will conquer. Love conquers all. It doesn't matter if it's true love for a lifetime of many days or many years and decades, or if it's rich or poor. True love always prevails. I feel sometime, down the road, I will know what this is about but I wish I could know it now. I wish I could meet that person now rather than later, but I have patience. I think I'm to be single now for sure and then maybe even a couple years down, I'll meet him but I wish we could be together now.

Some really good things happened today, but something seemed off too. I don't know why. But probably, it is just my situation which has been dire. At any rate, I didn't feel like being alone so decided to stay with friends but didn't have that option earlier.

But I don't know what is going on. I can't really describe it and shouldn't anyway so I won't.

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