Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I.Q. Results

I said to several people, "I'm going to figure out how to nail a 120 I.Q. because it's nobody's business how smart I am or not."

So I did. I got a 116-124. :) I worked my verbal because everyone knows I'm verbal, and then I wish I'd worked the memory section more because it was slightly lower. The psychologist said getting some high ones right and other low end test questions wrong probably indicates lack of attention. ;)

I don't know.

I am just plain old normal. And no one else needs to know more than that. I'm not retarded and I'm not a genius.

So hopefully, that makes everybody happy.

No more of this critical "WE KNOW how SMART you are!"

See, I'm just like you. No need to think I'm much different at all. I have no severe deficits and no serious savantism. Nothing to impair parenting or social skills in any way.

As for spontaneous poetry and my work in legal matters in Oregon--sure, let's just say I had a ghost writer all along. I didn't do any of my own work and anyway, my memory is apparently lousy.

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