Thursday, September 10, 2009

Images & Full Disclaimer (READ THIS DISCLAIMER)


words coming to mind at prayer tonight:
al-o-wen (don't know how it's spelled but ahl-oh-when pronunciation--made me think celtic or northern european but could be middle eastern?)

ezra (bible or name)
ishmael (maybe name or symbolizing country)
israel (maybe name or symbolizing country)


hey, all i have to say is "don't ask, don't blame". i have no idea. a key to things i don't even know about. don't blame me if there's a pandora's box. i am immune and i do not see all, know all. i just asked god to please give me something that someone would absolutely know is beyond my own understanding and that it would be good. don't ask, don't tell. i dunno what i write.

also, do NOT take ANY of this seriously, because if someone thought I just gave info out or makes more of it than is even there, that would be very wrong. I don't know what I just wrote and was just goofing around. I had NO ONE in mind, and I'm not sending any kind of message to ANYONE.

I was playing around with words and rhythm and then just words, for fun, because I enjoy looking stuff up that I don't know. Also, none of this goes in any order and isn't intended to. Many different interpretations can be read into anything.

Do NOT take me seriously on this stuff and DO NOT think it's a message from God. Sure, I pray sometimes about who to pray for, but that's all I prayed about. For the names I got to pray for, that was what I prayed and only God knows who they are and what they need. For all the other stuff, it's just playing with words. Period. I mean, if it means something good to someone, anything, then good. But it's not I am a prophet or a seer. Well, we all know that. But I'm serious. Anything I write is for fun and if anything comes of what I write, I hope it is for peace and nothing more.

Like, for example, I'm going through to see what my first poem says, and I just used words that rhymed and made some stuff up. So after the first two verses, I read it means golden and then something about cursed. Not so nice and not at all in the vein I meant to write. I was only writing with sound in my ear.

I didn't pray before I wrote that, either. I only prayed before I got a very small list of people to pray for. Like, 5 names, and I asked that it meant something to someone.

After reading this last poem and especially after I wrote earlier about colors, in no way am I writing for this or for any group or anything. No wonder this one guy told me to be careful what I wrote in even a poem or idea or image. Well, I can assure all, it wasn't to mean anything and it is NOT any kind of "sign" from God. The only part i would give credibility to is and are the names I pray for when I ask God to show me what to pray or who to pray for. I say this, and I sincerely hope people understand that half the time I write fictional stuff for my images and poems, and the other rest of the time...I don't know how to explain it. The only part I ever take seriously, is the names to pray for. And usually, I just ask God to bless these people, who are in mind, and to help them with what they need or what God wants to do in their lives.

Maybe I'll just delete this. I think my writing causes too many problems. I want to leave the above for a little bit though, so that if anyone IS reading this, they understand exactly where I'm coming from and how this is NOT intended to be taken. It is NOT intended to be taken seriously. I mean it. I walk out and I get thumbs up and then frowns, and I'm wondering what the hay I just wrote and I've no idea, and was just going for creativity. If people take all my free writing seriously, that could cause something like world wars. I mean, it is NOT, well, it's like getting a fortune in a fortune cookie--means nothing and is random but what I write is even MORE random. So don't make a big deal about it and don't think I am personally making a big deal about it, except to say, IT's not supposed to be a big deal.

Oh, and "exeter" wasn't on my prayer list. It was just a random word that came up later and went with the other random string of words that I wanted to look up for increasing and improving my vocabulary.

It would be extremely, and exceedingly, foolish, to think any of this, what I write about images or ideas or anything, is serious. It would be extremely wrong as well. It's also wrong to think most of the "images" or nonsense stuff, or poems, or whatever I write, is intentional or "god-driven". It's not. It's called creative writing and imagination and I've proven i've got on. An imagination that is. that same thing goes for any vibe which I know I have felt while praying but also, cannot determine anything in particular and has nothing to do with one person or group in particular. I know I feel it when i pray or I'm supposed to pray. That's it. I never know who or what I'm supposed to pray for though, well sometimes, until I've already started praying. I pray my own stuff, and then ask for guidance in what else to pray about, if there are things I don't understand, or people who need prayer while I don't need to know details of why. and then I do that, I just pray and that's it.

Oh and by the way, this is NOT one of those "read between the lines" things. I'm telling you straight, this is the way it is, period. It is not to be taken seriously and I mean nothing by it or with it and no prayer went into it either. I pray before I pray for people, period. Sometimes if I'm writing in english, and from my heart, I might pray for a good poem idea too. That's it. Other times, I get a mind's eye of something and it's not serious either. It's just what any writer has happen and it's called getting an idea for a poem, story, or whatever. Even a "flash" of insight, isn't usually insight, but something that comes with trying to be creative and in the creative writing process. It's not psychic and not cryptology either. I'm not trying to send hidden meanings and messages to anyone.


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