Friday, September 11, 2009

Consider Yourself Warned (the Truth)

I have tried making peace and tried to alleviate concerns.

I have followed directions and advice.

In return, I have had people lie about me, continue to directly HARM MY SON, lie about me to have me kicked out of housing, interfere with my attempt to get work, and medical professionals in Wenatchee and certain others continue to lie about my mental health in order to try to get something on me to discredit me with. The last time I tried going in for migraine treatment, the Dr. Marion tried to give me an antipsychotic and asked a ton of questions about mental health and then I have people writing in claiming it's really just for nausea. Not with all the related mental health questions, it's NOT.

The big thing, is HARM of my son.

I had a few things happen to me as well, even while at the Haven of Hope, but when I saw my son and saw it was clear someone was purposefully torturing a 3 year old boy,

WHY do you think I should keep my mouth shut about ANYTHING?

You think that's a "warning?" For what?

I have already said I don't know what's going on, and that's true. I have ALSO gone so far as to say a bunch of stuff is fiction, to try to protect my son and myself because I don't know it is that I've said, that was threatening in the first place.

However, if you people WANT me to go through my whole list of names and those who have played mind games and done weird things, and put it online publicly, I will.

I've already given some lists to people in case something happens to me. So if something does, there will be people investigating those on this list and their connections.

I am asking, for the very LAST time, for someone to QUIT harming me and my son.

If I see one more sign of physical injury and suffering, AT ALL, on Oliver, or if it happens to me again, I will not hold back.

I have done anything and everything I can and I have shown I'm willing to do whatever it takes. I am still good for my word.

But enough is enough.

I am not going to be written down as mentally ill first, and then watch as the suffering continues and no one believes me.

I would also keep in mind, that even if I have never had anything to report on anyone, and even though I don't know what's going on, some other group just MIGHT. HOW do you know, someone isn't investigating my claims?

I haven't said anything secretly, but HOW do you know that one of your own didn't go forward and talk to someone? You DON'T. And if you don't know that, the more you do, the more you continue to jeopardize yourself and those you love, by putting yourself out there, and doing things that are being kept track of, not by me, but potentially others.

I wouldn't think, for a minute, that this is all just something that I've noticed and no one else is aware of.

You really do NOT know. You DON'T know who is looking over your shoulders, but if they are, there's a whole group of them too, and they probably have authority to do something about what's going on and have actual legitimate info on why it's happening.

I, personally, DO NOT know why these things are going on. I haven't had anything to say to anyone about anything.

But I look at my son, and how my attempts to get on my feet are constantly thwarted, which prevents me from just going on and leaving this all behind, and what incentive or motivation do you leave me with? for not going public about the mind games?

You leave me with nothing.

Without housing, I cannot get my son back. Without a job, I cannot get my son back. With the continued lying and assault on both me and my son, you do not show me that you want peace, nor do you give me ANY assurance that good things are in store if I do what you want, or shut up, or say it's all fiction, or try to make peace.

I would think, the smartest thing to do, would be to drop it.

I've dropped it. If I were part of any group at all, I would be doing what I can to help me succeed so I can have my son and have a normal life which is busy and full of other things to do besides trying to figure out what this other mess is.

That's what I would do. The more you put yourself and others out there to try to play mind games or to hurt me or my're not gaining anything.

You're only putting more information out there about yourselves, and you're not accomplishing any kind of resolution for the whole. You're not threatening me or "warning" me anymore than you already have, because I don't know why you're doing this and what the threat is, so what is the point of trying to make a point?

However, if you want someone ELSE to make odds and ends, heads and tails of it, I will put everything down, and I will tell the truth too, keeping Teria in mind, and I will say anything and everything I know, just to hope someone else who is already looking into this, will be on it.

This is my final warning.

I am not doing this "I tried, and tried, and tried, and tried, and tried" stuff anymore.

I keep having people threaten me and try to remind me about "don't you want your son back?"

You show me NO reason why I would ever get him back, you do nothing to help me secure work and instead try to disrupt this and my housing, and when you HARM him and I see the evidence, you do not give me any reason to believe if I do whatever you want, things will work out.

I am still trying to work things out and alleviate concerns. I am not giving up. But this is the last warning. I will still look for work and give that a little more time. I will try to find other housing and give it a little time.

As for harm to me or my son, one more thing, and that's it.

You leave my son alone and if you are not directly responsible, you make sure those who are, get the message. Loud and clear.

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