Friday, September 11, 2009

Thanks To U.S. Workers

I don't know why U.S. workers are thanking me for anything, when I'm left in the middle of a huge mess and they KNOW it's not even my fault.

When do I get to thank someone for stepping up and at least covering my housing?

I don't even know why I was being thanked at all, when I've done nothing and not had any assistance, and I'm supposed to be in danger and on the streets, so THEY'RE people can do whatever they want them to do or they don't have to help me at all?

I'm sorry, but I don't get it. Thank you for what?!

When does someone from the U.S. actually show me their thanks by helping me out? And why am I left to this town, where others know I'm against a wall and just lied about left and right?

Any ideas?

Oh, maybe the whole idea is that I am supposed to go on medication when these people who might really know what's going on, know I don't need it.

It would be nice, to see thanks in a practical assistance form. It's not like I haven't been trying, and some of these people KNOW this. They KNOW.

So what am I being "thanked" for, I'd like to know.

Thanked for allowing them to keep and retain some guy who may have wanted to help me? Thanked for not marrying someone from a different country who could have possibly helped me financially?

What the HELL am I being thanked for.

And tell ME what I should be thankful for too, if you don't mind.

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