Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Thank You For Prayers

I had the "vibe" I speak of, after my visit with my son this afternoon. It's all I want to write about.

Sure, there are still things going on, yeah, but I don't want to focus on any of it. The only things I want to focus on and pay attention to are the good things.

Someone is close to me, or a lot of people praying or something, and i first noticed it at about 11:40 a.m.

I guess I still want to document this just in case someday I can go back and put it together.

I noticed it a few days ago too, but I had so much going on I didn't pay close attention. But I noticed it all at once, very powerful, at about 11:40 a.m.

And who knows, it crossed my mind that a whole group may have been praying and I just picked up on it. I don't know. I even wondered if it was sisters at a mass, or it could be anything at all. I've thought it has to do with a particular man, but I won't know for some time I think.

But I know and I feel it.

I think somehow this person already knows who they are but I don't know. Sucks to be me. lol.

It's extremely strong right now. It is right now, 1:23 p.m. and I'm done writing.

I am going to work today. I am doing papers and I am working!

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