Thursday, September 3, 2009

Vibe & Images & Prayer

I want to make note of innocuous, good things:

1. Yesterday, at about 4:20 p.m., the strong vibe that someone was praying. Right before and after this older man and woman left the Hart's Fish & Chips place. Woman with white hair, and they had salads and beer. I was out in the back smoking and felt someone was close to me.

2. Right before prayer yesterday, after I gave a list of names with no details, to be prayed for. I guess it was around 7:30 p.m. or later. I prayed first to God, "please! give me names I can say out loud to be lifted up where it won't get me into trouble."

3. Today, beginning around 2:40 p.m. and still strong. started when I thought about that man and woman from yesterday but could have been coincidental.

images: last night, right before I was about to go to sleep, I had two flashes which came into my mind's eye, about 10 p.m. or so.

1. flash of a man's face, still in a truck, i think, or same man who I saw in the truck in an image once, and yet this time, just the face but i couldn't totally see the face again.

2. maybe 20 minutes later--fire. right before i fell asleep, this huge blaze of fire flashed in front of me. It was the size of a campfire blaze or fireplace blaze. that's all it was and nothing else. just fire with nothing around it. no one around it, just this fire right in front of me and then it was gone almost as soon as it appeared. i wasn't thinking about fire that day or anything so it was out of the blue.

I had been reading a Catherine Marshall book about prayer before I started going almost in and out of sleep and saw these things. My mind wasn't on anything else. I don't know what it had to do with though. It was just a face that I couldn't see and then it was later, separately, this fire, and yet I didn't have the vibe with it but it wasn't a bad thing. It was like a normal fire thing. Nothing good nor bad about it. I don't care if it sounds weird, it was just a normal, in the mind's eye thing
I think it's very possible it's really about a connection that is from a distance too. I don't know. Could just be lots of prayer--who knows.

It's not what I'm focusing on today.

I got a lot of things done. I'm not going to say what anymore though. But I got some things done and have more to do today.

Am I supposed to completely quit blogging??? I would, because I've nothing negative to write about anymore, or details of my day, but I guess I'm thinking maybe I won't be able to find out what this thing is if I don't document it. How will he or they know? I could do it privately, but what if it's never known.

I sort of want to share some of the things I don't understand, because I feel someone else will make the connection.

This guy I had the image of twice...not the one for me or anything nor do I associate a negative or positive vibe, but I could better define what he looked like.

He has tawny-blond brown hair and a wider face, sort of angular or not. Longer sort of hair at least not very short, but ears length.

I saw a man whose face sort of fit, today at Safeway and had to do a double take. He was wearing a dark blue t-shirt and shorts and went to the deli. He sort of fit, enough to make me look again. But he looked a little bit older and the other one is 22-40. Well, this guy at Safeway looked about 35 or 40 or so but I got the impression this other guy is younger than that.

But I think the image is just a connection to someone who I know or who is in my life, but for this particular one, i don't even think it's romantic. It's just connected to my life or someone I know or some event surrounding me or something.

this guy who I have seen twice in my mind's eye, is not necessarily someone I think is someone for me. But I've just had this person come to mind. I don't know if it is good or bad but just an image.

I can see some basic features. Tawny blond-brown hair, and longer, ear's length, or above but the rest is a little longer I think. Wider face but not overly wide or long, and somewhat angular but can't tell exactly the definition. Younger, between 22-40 or so.

I think it is someone different than someone from my past. And I did see a man at the Safeway today who actually had the same type of hair and face shape. He went to the deli and was wearing a dark blue shirt and shorts.

This other guy was younger I thought, but sort of fit the face and type of the guy at Safeway. I had to look twice but still didn't get a good look at his face.

Also, it wasn't like he was someone for me. It was more like he is just someone who has something to do with my life. But I don't have a good or bad vibe from him. I just know he's connected to something.

I'm positive, absolutely, that this guy is just somehow a figure involved in something to do with my life. I don't know why I've seen this flash in front of my eyes more than once.

I can't really see the face at all. But, I don't want to combine this image of this guy with the other vibe I talk about, because I never have the two together so I think they're two totally separate things.

Somehow this one guy is important but I don't know how. Could be good or bad.

Then, the strong vibe could be absolutely nothing more than a lot of people praying and I sense it. I still sense it and it's strong but it really seems like prayer more than anything else.

Well, sounds a little out there now, but someday it may be a big discovery and I can say I wasn't making it up. And whoever may involved will know too, that I haven't made it up.

Oh yeah, and I have felt this before, years ago, but only connected to prayer. But I sort of think it could be a combination of prayer and something in particular.

No. I am not going to become a nun. But yeah, I used to think it was what we describe as "the holy spirit". However, I think it could still be in connection with something else.

Or, I DO have a twin, and they're not evil but some kind of holier than I am angel who has been looking out for me all my life.

Sometimes, I have felt this while I was praying for others and then other times, I have felt it without praying at all but sensing someone else is thinking of me or praying for me. I definitely have felt this before, while praying for others.

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