Friday, September 4, 2009

Theology On Sacred Heart

I got this from wiki, on "the sacred heart":

The Sacred Heart is often depicted in Christian art as a flaming heart shining with divine light, pierced by the lance-wound, surrounded by a crown of thorns, surmounted by a cross and bleeding. Sometimes the image is over Jesus' body with his wounded hands pointing at the heart. The wounds and crown of thorns allude to the manner of Jesus' death, while the fire represents the transformative power of love.

It applies to Mary too, not just Jesus. I like the idea of the fire being the transformative power of love.

Maybe my issues with Mary have been more that I haven't understood the devotion as well, since my own mother and I got into it a lot. I don't know. Maybe I didn't understand the perspective or something. I didn't know Mary had the sacred heart thing too, I've seen the iconocography or whatever of it, but I didn't notice the fire stuff. I only noticed the heart of Christ because I was more familiar with the idea and saw this prayer card once. Mary has the heart but I don't know if it's usually with flames to symbolize something, or not.

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