Friday, September 4, 2009

Work! (Update and Need to Pray Vibe)

Well, I think I have a couple of different options now. Still have the one, possibly, but a couple other things opened up so I may be able to get in and start working as early as next week.

I've filled out so many apps and sent in a lot of resumes, pero nada. There is one position I really want though, and we'll see if it works out. It would be rewarding work to say the least, even if difficult. The other options are just basic things.

But I'll let everyone know after I'm actually there and working for awhile. Or, I might just state I got hired and that's it.

This has been very difficult and it's not for lack of effort. I tried to fill out for unemployment again, just in case, but hopefully something will turn up.
I walked out at about 5:10-15 PST I think and felt this horrible and very deep sadness. I still feel it. I don't know what's going on in the world, but it was so strong I almost felt like kneeling down on the sidewalk to pray. Instead of course, I kept walking and prayed a little in my mind. I almost started to cry I felt it so strongly but some very good things just happened too.

I have made so many contacts today with job openings and possibilities, I feel very sure I will be hired by next week. I wish there wasn't Labor Day so I could go out to a couple more interviews on Monday.

I almost feel like my son is in a cage or something. Something isn't okay. I will call about my son this evening and make sure he's fine. I mean a figurative cage of course.

But I am extremely burdened in my heart. It's now about 5:40 PST or so and I just know there is something to pray for but I don't know what it is.

I have about 3 or 4 positions which recently opened up and they want to hire right away and were positive about it. The one job I was hired for, it turns out it wouldn't start until a little later and I have to call tomorrow to find hours out or schedule. It's just a college kids going back to school thing. So it's sort of like I already have the job but he doesn't know how many hours and then I just decided to keep interviewing anyway because I may want to do something different.

So, really, I have a job but haven't started but because I don't know about hours and everything, I'm looking at other things. I'd take more than one job anyway. A couple are in semi-medical fields so they would be good to have for nursing if I enter this program.

It is now 7:45 P.M. PST and I'm updating. Strong prayer vibe right now. Somewhere there are people praying. I can tell there is a lot of prayer.

I was thinking about that Song of Songs passage just now. Thinking about it's application to Jesus and the Church, or bride.

"I am my beloved's and he is mine." And then my mind goes to another verse about "He leads me beside still waters and restores my soul." I can feel the very srong prayers of so many people and I'm thankful for them. Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts and for praying for me.

I was thinking about some different scriptures when I sensed this stronger energy, and thinking about some of the better things that have happened, and then it hit me. I think I first noticed this energy deal when I was about 10 years old or so. It was just a feeling I had when I talked to God or felt his presence. It was something I noticed when I sent up my prayers to Him in fire after writing them down in letters. Then, I would notice it at church or while praying communally with others. It just comes and goes, really. I used to tell God how much I loved him and thank him for small things, like roses outside, and this one time, right after I was thanking Him for this, I walked out on the porch and there were all these roses, from an 11 year old boy across the street with a simple note that they were from him. They were the very same roses. The exact same ones I'd been thanking God for. That is probably one of the most suprising things that's ever happened to me, where I felt almost that God had heard me.

I know I can do this, get off of the ground. I know all things are possible, to those who believe. And I believe this is possible, that good things will return and that there are very good things in store for others, some who I don't even know.

Oh! and by the way, thanks to the different people whom I've seen in town who sort of encouraged me today and smiled or nodded or were just friendly, and who even sat down next to me. Thank you! It lifted my spirits.

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