Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ballet To "I Dreamed A Dream"

I tried to find a ballet to "I Dreamed A Dream" tonight.

Listened to the song by the Broadway woman again. Looked her up and it's Ruthie Henshaw. I looked up the character of Fantine, and Les Mis stuff, and then Ruthie.

When I listened to the song tonight, I closed my eyes and saw a ballet. Just one woman.

I saw everything but then, at one part, it was an ice-skating routine with two people, and a lift was involved...hahaha...and then at another part, it turned to a scene of two children running down a hill of taller grass. There was another sort of visual of hands torn apart and a curtain coming down and then the curtain parting like a canopy as they are lying on the same bed.

MOre of an edited movie thing than anything I guess.

At the part where she says, "I dreamed of a time/when I was young and unafraid/and dreams were made and used and wasted" I saw the two children running down a hill. Blond girl again. Couldn't see the boy. Brother and sister I think.

Later, I wondered if I am really an extrovert anymore because I'm not very social in new social settings lately. Then I thought, I think I'm more introverted and more of a feeler when I'm insecure or tired or just plain stressed. When i'm in my element, I'm extroverted. I don't know. Or, when I'm in control of when to switch it off and on. I think that's it.

Then the song "wonderland" by oasis singularly came to mind and I discovered they are an English band from a long time ago. I didn't know how old this song was bc it's sort of new to me.

Then listened to a beautiful piano piece of clair de lune. Then Dire Straits.

On nights like tonight, when I can see these images and pictures of how a whole scene could be, and edited, I wish I were in film school. It's at least fun for my imagination.

When I saw the curtain come inbetween, it falls down like creating a split screen and then it separates further, with material coming from the swath in the center to pull out to the left and right in a canopy. I suppose it could be done the other way, with the curtain down lengthwise or horizonal and then splitting, but I envisoned it differently.

The girl is blond and about 5-9 years old and she is with a brother (not related to romantic intent of the song) and they are running down a steep hill with taller grasses that are more golden than green.

I can see all of the moves to the ballet but I don't know any of the technical names for the positions and moves. I can just see it, the dance, unfolding and I see what she is doing but can't describe it. I could, but it would take forever without knowing the right words.

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