Monday, October 19, 2009

Need A Car

Somehow, i think I need to talk to people I've known from the past. Find out where they're at.

This was a weird morning.

I got up and had 3 buses to choose from but no bus schedule and didn't know which way to go, so I walked. I walked to a busier area where I figured I'd know where the buses are going and are more regular, so I didn't miss my visit with my son.

I decided to get some more coffee, because I was newly out, and ended up running into old friends of my Dad and was able to get a ride, though I could have taken a bus and made it on time as well.

Weird to run into them though. The guy said I didn't really look like either one but he couldn't remember because it had been awhile.

I can't help but feel...

Everything in my life is strange. Coincidence or not, I feel small choices shouldn't be that big of a deal and yet somehow they end up being a bigger deal. It's really good sometimes, and other times, not.

I miss having a car. I have had a car my entire life except for this last year or so. I really need a car to get around independently and I don't like the bus system here. It's not easy to follow like some cities, and it's not very regular and I can't imagine what it's like in the winter. I am all for public transportation, when there are warm terminals to wait at and there are frequent stops.

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