Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Today I woke up in a decent mood and the sun is shining. That doesn't mean everything in my life is easier and moods mean nothing.

But I thought about how I haven't taken time to pray or meditate for days, when I wanted to yesterday and then didn't, and then Ghandi came to mind.

I want to research Ghandi today and practice meditation and comtemplation.

I have other things to get done as well, but this seems most important.

Right now, for the first time ever, I also think of Br. Ansgar Santogrossi and he is in my thoughts and prayers today.

Contrasting that, is the title "Get Your Groove On" came to mind for a song, and I guess it's a song by Snoop Doggy Dog. lol. So it's the first song of my day and the first time I've heard it.

Ghandi always seemed kind of pointless to me for some reason, like, what good can come of sitting and doing nothng except meditating? It isn't action. I am always into action and getting things done, but maybe there is something to the other thing.

I decided not to put make up and even though it's been 3 days or 4 days since my last half a cigarette and although I didn't feel like smoking and didn't want to smoke, I did it anyway. It's bad for my skin and voice and I decided to do it more as punishment for myself than anything else. So I took 3 inhales or so and then pushed it out.

The visit with my son went really well. I wish the Judge allowed audio taping simply to record things he says that I won't be able to recapture.

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