Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Deleting Again

I thought about my post with a quip about rapping by Cyrus, but I deleted it, thinking, I don't know how I get myself into trouble, but if it's by saying anything negative at all, about anyone, I'd better drop it. Which isn't any fun, to not be able to be sarcastic or joke around, but because it's probably misunderstood, I'll just refrain.

Quit smoking still. It's been 2-3 weeks of tapering down and this is the 6th or 7th day I haven't smoked at all, not even one inhale. My skin is starting to get better and I'm feeling better again.

I did it! See! I have will power! I am not an addictive personality type. Anyone can get addicted to cigarettes though.

I heard a few people say cigarettes are supposed to be even more addictive than heroin, and neither had tried heroin, but they said it was. I believe it.

My first song of the day was The Refugee's & Carlos Santana's "Maria, Maria".

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