Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Visit with Son

My son was speaking very well today and was more affectionate. it seemed like he'd had more affection and attention since Monday, to me, and that this transfered into being warmer and more comfortable seeking and getting affection from me.

I was and am concerned about discoloration above his left brow where it looks like a major bruise or darker pigmentation for some reason. It's a large spot that's darker in coloration and sort of blueish greenish darker brown. Like blood vessels are enlarged underneath but the skin on top is actually darker pigmentation. i looked closely. He said a kid hit him. He said it doesn't hurt now. If it's a bruise, it should hurt, as large as it is. My son was injured in some way and i am going to find out how and why. My opinion is that if it's not from a kid, which it looks different from, that if it was caused by any other means, there is going to be a retribution. Not by me.

The best part was when he wanted me to draw "tatoos" all over his arms. last week I gave him smiley faces, well, on Monday I did and it looked like he hadn't wanted them washed.

So today he wanted me to draw dogs all over his arms, and a butterfly as well. He kept saying, "a dog!" and he has become quite the director.

I swear, this kid knows exactly what he wants and when and where and how. He makes his mind up quick too. He makes judgements and decisions fast, and it sort of surprises me because i'm not that way at all. He is a director. It already shows and constantly catches me off-guard. And if you don't do it the way he has in mind....whoooooaaaa. He has a CEO personality type. He's very affectionate and sweet but he's also a director. I don't make decisions with the confidence, surity, and ease that he does. He knows what he has in mind and has no qualms directing how to accomplish this.

I said to him, "Do you want me to make this part darker? the part that says 'I love you'? and he said yes, and then said no, write, "I love you DOG!" and we all cracked up laughing. He said it like "dawg". It was cute.

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