Friday, October 23, 2009

Got A Job!

I got hired.


But I won't say where yet because I don't want to jinx it.

But I finally got hired.


I am sort of wondering for sure if it will all follow through. So, I don't know for sure if I have a job. I had another guy "consider" something at a medical office but it wasn't a hire by any means. I had another offer and took it but will see how it adds up.

One thing I decided, if I sign up with Mary Kay, no one can say I don't have a job and the peace has to be honored, if that's what will bring peace, as someone said to me it would.

So I am still filling out a McDs app, and I'm signing up with Mary Kay since there have been no conditions on what kind of work I have.

I also have a firm date Monday for starting up a dance class, and I'm going to look for work outside of the state, but with something I could do at home. If I have to contact East Coast people for a hook up with that, I will. As long as I can do it in Wenatchee while living here is what matters and I was offered sales jobs in the past. So we'll see.

Housing has not happened. It was supposed to be in place but I'm waiting on a message from someone. I will do my own looking around if something else doesn't happen.

I met some people that don't have a lot of money, but they are decent people I think.

I had some others tell me I could only use their phone if I was calling certain companies or then I had someone saying only if I called "local". "Local" seems to be a big deal here.

I am very excited about the idea of teaching dance. Dance would be great and for the younger ages I don't have to know technique. It would be music selection and just encouraging kids to be expressive and feel the music and maybe learn some simple things about rhythm, and maybe some fun dance moves, but really, I would like to bring out the creative individual with the kids. My son comes up with some of the best moves to music. It would be cool to see this in other kids too.

I passed on a good job tip to someone who is almost 18. He had a cool photo on his cell phone and I told him about a job that was offered to me which was sports writing for a paper, and required photography and layout skills. I wrote back that I didn't know that much about sports but could learn, and the other stuff I knew. But I haven't heard back and I passed the job offer on to a guy who might be able to take it on and do a better job maybe, if he already knows a lot about sports.

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