Friday, October 23, 2009


I think I have some work. Finally.

If I have to, I'm taking a job at frickin' McDonalds to start. I even called this morning and asked if the manager was there because they're hiring. So he's there tomorrow and I'm putting in the application.

I also called again about an entreuprenuerial (too many 'u's!) venture with book selling. I would have to get my business license for $25. Hey...PEOPLE...think I could ask the bank for a loan???

"May I help you?"

"Yeah, I'm here for a business loan."

"What are you thinking of?"

"Well, I'm starting up a business and I'm going to need about $25 to get going."

I want to do it, just for the hell of it. Walk in like Jerry McGuire, starting all over, or maybe it would be more like Steve Allen.

So anyway, it's something I've done before and could do even with regular work.

I ALSO inquired about something I'd really love to do...

Teaching DANCE!

I'm not kidding.

I'm so excited at the idea. No, not flashdance...think mommy & me gymboree style dance.

I want to develop music and dance appreciation classes for the youngest. I want to facilitate creativity and I think I could really get something together that kids would love and it doesn't require formal dance training. So I called about starting a class with a dance instructor and I am MOST excited about this idea.

I'm thinking age 3 or age 2 and younger.

Mommy & me, be a tree.

Yes I was upset yesterday. If anyone knew the extent of my DAY they would know why. But I am open to medication.

Oh, totally.


I could use a valium now and then and I don't think I'd blog at all. But no, I don't need anything on a regular basis. But valium? Oh sure, give me a frickin' valium and Save The World.

Oh, I also found out today that there were applications I filled out online that never went anywhere. Like, they were supposed to be in a system and they're not so the guy said management has changed and to bring a new app and maybe I could get work.

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