Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Computer & Happy Birthday Message

I've had a LOT of interest about my little laptop.

"How do you like your laptop?"

Well, let me tell you, it's something else, and I think it got some kind of special karma kick after someone stayed over at my place.

I can tell you one thing, I was wondering why my left forefinger and thumb are wrinkling so badly. It's very, very, odd.

Why would my lefthand forefinger and thumb be aging and wrinkling so oddly, when the right hand isn't affected?

I realized, with the special "energy" I've got coming from this laptop, I rest my left hand on the space button and the cursor button, but keep my right hand and fingers raised while I'm resting my left hand.

On both hands, there is this very odd and rapid wrinkling occuring.

Not to mention how spending too much time sometimes causes these benign fasciculations.

Turns out, I'm not really alone here in Wenatchee.

All kinds of great technology is regularly employed in this area, and for all I know, other states? to keep people in line or send a message.

The same people who want to harm me and my son then later ask if they can buy me lunch.

For my birthday today, I went to McDonalds. How's that for a choice?

FUCK YOU--I do NOT engage with terrorists of any kind.

I may forgive you on a technical basis, but no, you are not going to be on my good side and I am not going to let you buy me a fucking meal.

Give me honest work, a place to live, and my son. Period.

As for all of the warnings about my son dying or being harmed, or how I'm going to end up like Marilyn Monroe because I "owe" something or "know" something, FUCK YOU.

And FUCK YOU to the others who warn me that I'm a mirror image of Princess Diana.


Say that three times fast Wenatchee. Washington. Oregon. However many states or countries it applies to.

I have seen bad deeds done by people of every race and color. Just as many "whites" as hispanic or any other race. Just as many Jews as Protestants or Catholics.

I watched a History channel program about the holocaust just yesterday. How horrible the Nazi's were to the Jews. Well, there are still a bunch of fucking Nazis and they live in the U.S., and they are of every race, including Jews.

I am also tired of seeing how special and important someone likes to feel to be getting a ring on their phone with a message. Some people eat up power or eat up feeling like they are a part of that power. Some people will sell their souls. Some will sell their sons and daughters. Some do it willingly, loving it, and others, out of fear.



And no, I don't fucking know anything, except that a lot of LOUSY people have hurt me and my son and NEVER for any good reason, and I know other people have been hurt too, and are too afraid to say anything.

Where is the fucking resistance.


You people enjoy your chains and slavery? You like having a master and giving up your free will and your freedom of choice, to live as much at peace with all men and women as possible?

You have sold yourselves into slavery and are puppets on a string and you do NOTHING about it and think it's fine.

This whole area is Edward Scissorhands with a twist.

Does ANYONE think it is OKAY to allow others to punish people and try to keep them in line with some group or ideal, with torture? Because that's what it is people, it is torture.

This is fucking Nazi Germany all over again, but there is no cultural or racial divide. It's almost everybody. At least over here.

I want to know who the good guys are.

I am taking this fucking laptop in for a checkup, and I'm asking some hard questions.

Sure, things could be different for me. If I do fucking WHAT?

And as for all the men who just linger around and think I'm going to approach them, think again. Do something normal and approach the woman if you are interested. Don't expect me to go out of my fucking way, and then tell me, "Oh, it was you who approached me, not the other way around" as if you have no idea who I am to begin with and weren't positioning yourself from the start.

And fucking date like normal people. You are not my fucking meal ticket and you are also not going to be my latest hook up.

As for the state and whoever was involved with my I.Q. test...FUCK YOU.

Someone wanted to know how my memory was holding up and then I see a message about my brain couldn't be killed at someone's house. Yeah, that's fucking right, even though you tried to destroy me entirely, you couldn't take everything.

Given ALL of the notice my memory has received, by even doctors on the East Coast, FUCK YOU, ALL of you who have been involved in any way, and never said a thing, and just thought it was some kind of miracle I wasn't a vegetable, when so many people really did and really do believe me and know what was happening.

I still don't, but I know now that a lot of other people DID know.

For the guy who went driving by me in the alley tonight, with two white freezer boxes, and then turned around after making a show...FUCK YOU.

Fuck all of you who have nothing better to do than take and accept shitty orders to mess with someone.

Kids are being hurt, and I'm starting to realize, my son is not the only one this has happened to. Other people have been hurt too and they were silenced.

The U.S. has allowed warfare to occur on its own citizens. And done NOTHING about it, when they KNOW what is going on.


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