Monday, October 5, 2009


Art Forms

grossly underestimated her
to think
he could bed her not thrice
but multiple times
in various forms of disguise
as if the phantom of the opera
had a voice so spellbinding
like in a midsummers' dream
she would take on ass after ass

bodies are still bodies
corpus, come one, come all
he'd had so many he'd forgotten
what it is to exchange breath
for breath
the dice and tumble of a roll
to her, on two hands could count
--it means something
the body isn't nothing
soul ethereal yet not quite everything
cannot mount a sack of kidney beans
or a razor blade, or a man making mischief
from both sides of the mouth
simply because he says something
or the object is reminiscent of one desired
she remembers this ghost
who once said
personality is everything
she was speaking to herself in a mist
the problem is
it is not so much bedding the personality
as it is the form
which takes pleasure in a conquest
that she doesn't care to please

Not a notch in the logger's belt about the tree
I'm afraid
he'll have to take it up with her
in person
in the flesh
and leave the carcasses called in to inhabit a spirit
to their own wives and lovers

--corpus callosum
Flores y Diamondes

demitasse, cafe
yesterday i thought of frida
with a great yellow and red rose pinned in her hair
I also saw one which was blue
last night had a dream
that my son was burned and dried out
i was taking him away
from a husband who wore an oxford shirt
a white man who is about 40 something
or 50
whom I never married
but who wanted to keep a firm grip
on the destruction of everything
holy, innocent, and good
i awoke to the sound of an alarm
slept through someone else's shower
dragged a comb through my hair
it is better to sleep on a couch alone
or outside in the dirt and leaves
than to share a bed with a stranger
i pinned yellow and red roses on the inside
of my jacket lapel
a blue one too, one that is rare
i should wear flowers in my hair more
i should have diamonds for my ears
wrestled from the soles of my shoes
plucked out by pliers
one by one
dropped into a jeweler's lap
i was cutting through the sidewalks
marble floors, glass, halls, all the pisas
like a skater on ice
with diamonds in the soles of my shoes
cutting figures and leaving tracks
i am taking my son
the baby moses
i am not leaving him behind in the reeds
i will not go without a fight

prophets prayed for rain
plagues, blessing, grain
I prayed for peace

prophets prayed for bears
devouring 40 children
mocking baldness
I prayed for peace

prophets prayed for first
born children to die
figs to wither on the vine
I prayed for peace

yet, I am not greater than
the prophets
I smeared my tears onto a window
after praying for peace
so long
something to change
so long
I prayed for justice
I prayed for doors to open
and for those who do not even desire
to do good to give freely
unable to do anything else
I prayed that those who
continue to seek my destruction
have firsthand knowledge of
my tears
I prayed for peace
I still pray for peace
But for once, I also prayed the prayer
of a prophet

...that those who continue to try to
harm me and my son
who they may be I don't know, but that they
should they persist
will know the hand of God

Mercy and peace, blessings and grace
Protection for me and those I love
lenience and time for those who
should repent
to repent

Isaiah 51:15

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