Sunday, October 4, 2009

Safe Images

I think these are safe to write about. I prayed first, that nothing I write today is negative or threatening or an image which would be negative or bad in any way.

I had a couple of interesting dreams and then an image this morning, that has been coming back and forth to me.

I had one dream where I was around all these Ivy League students.

I don't know what school we were at, but I was sort of being shut out or looked at in a guarded way. They were nice to my face but really watching and then exchanging some looks, and I was an outsider, though a few had normal or objective interest.

So I was off to the side then, absorbed in some kind of game or experiment dealing with putting the right objects into what looked like some sort of test tubes, vials, or those things you use in chemistry and biology class. But it wasn't like normal science. It was a little different. A combo between science and something else like a puzzle. I kept working at it and after awhile, one of the star science guys, who didn't look nerdy actually, started taking a serious interest. He seemed impressed that, for one thing, I didn't give up.

He kept watching. He had blond hair in the dream. I didn't recognize him though. Then I finally got up after working on my project, which had me surrounded in bright lights and some kinds of jewelry and all different kinds of objects and science flasks, and then another woman who had been previously uninterested in me, said we should get together when I asked her what she was studying. She was studying Russian or Chinese and then I knew another language too so I asked and she said yes, as a matter of fact, it was an African language. She wasn't African but she had brunette hair and it was long and dark and she was pretty vivacious and smart. After we talked about languages, she wanted to meet with me later, even though the rest of the group was dubious about me.

There was a lot more to that dream, but I had it several days ago. I can't remember the rest.

But then I had this OTHER dream a couple days ago, and it was also long and detailed but all I remember is that I looked out of my window and this car was parked outside of my window and I was living on an upper level, and I looked out and across the entire roof of the car it was the UK flag. One enormous flag of Great Britain. No impression with it at all, and then I woke up. I have no idea whether there was a meaning or not.

Those were my most vivid dreams. The one about the students was very lengthy. It lasted forever.

Then I had the following image today:

It is a black and white video of a little girl who is about 3-4 years old with shoulder length hair that's wavy or was curled. But it's a black and white video and she is on a tricycle, pedaling down a sidewalk towards the camera.

I've never seen it, but it keeps sort of flashing into my mind in a vague way.

I don't know for sure about the rest of the image, but it seems like her hair was blond, and she was in a white or pale colored dress and to the left is maybe a large garden and to the right is a building that has some kind of white staircases inside.

I think the video is from the 50s or 60s or something.

I think there is maybe a basket in front of the trike. She is, I think, wearing a summer hat. The trike is either white or light colored but I can't tell because it's a black and white video.

The person filming is on knee level or down to child's level, taking the film as she is moving forward.

She is very serious and pedaling with a determined look and then chatty too. But she gets this very concentrated look or possibly peeved or just trying to go fast. I don't know.

None of this has anything to do with any guy or ex, so I am saying that for clarification.

For some reason though, I think I either SAW the video of this girl, possibly, and it's either of Diana when she was little, or maybe of a former employer, or ? I don't know. Maybe someone somehow connected to me or just very random. Important in some way, to me, for whatever reason, but I don't know how or why.

I had sort of a strong vibe yesterday or day before but today nothing until about now. It's 2:09 P.M. PST.

Something about daisies.

Daisies popped into my mind.

Daisies on a bicycle basket, in fields, and in hand, and Daisy from the classic novel. The Great Gatsby. For someone, this novel is of high importance and meaning. A very generic statement, and could apply to absolutely anyone, but all this daisy stuff and then great gatsby came to mind.

I need to set aside time to work on novels I think. Look for work, sure, but get back into college and write some books. I get away from this and when I come back everything is right again. I want an old fashioned electric typewriter though, or some kind of word processor where I could feel my rough drafts are all private and impossible to intercept through ordinary computer methods.

I think George Bush Jr. wrote his entire autobiography by pen. By hand, I mean. I don't want to do that because it would take forever. I wish I knew someone who could help me highly encrypt everything I write. I need a military computer with a specialist who can encrypt, or someone in stocks and bonds, because these guys usually have the same security concerns and know how to protect stuff. But I think, nothing is really private on a computer. Nothing. I would like to know if there is anyone, who is very high up in computer technology and knowledge, who thinks information stored on computers is ever safe and if there is anything that cannot be hacked.

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