Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My Teeth And Nails Abnormal Lineations

I just used the restroom and noticed for the first time that it is not just my nails on both me and my son which show a line of demarcation.

I just noticed my teeth have this same line.

That is totally not normal.

I don't know of anything which would cause a line of demarcation in TEETH.

The tips of my teeth are slightly greyer or blue and there is a very distinct line which shows the same amount and how much.

On my nails, I still have the marks or lines in my nails and my nails are warped slightly besides.

There is a very thin white line and then the very tips are more red than the rest of the nail which is whiter.

My teeth have a line which is very defined and has only been there for a short time. It is new and it shows something has occured with my health.

If I ever had both my nails and teeth analyzed in another country, I would bet money, they would find something to write about.

For some reason, I haven't been able to find honest people who are really interested in looking into what has harmed me and my son.

We have evidence, in our bodies, of harm.

I am lnot deleting this one.

It has nothing to do with dental hygeiene. It is the tips of the teeth where there isn't decay, not towards the gum or roots. And the line is very straight and distinct and obvious under flourescent lights.

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