Thursday, October 8, 2009

Fox News Today On Smokey The Bandit (or?)

The first time I laughed this morning was when hearing the male reporter trying to interview the mother of the kid who has stolen 3 planes, and robbed a bunch of houses.

The reporter said, very seriously, "The mother is actually PROUD of her son for stealing the planes." Here she IS now, on the line, and, ...

So the mother gets on the phone and says in an extreme dry voice: "I did NOT say I was proud of my son for stealing planes."

The reporter had this immediate not-so-concealed tone of glee in his voice and said flippantly, "Oh! MY BAD!"

My bad.


I had to stop putting on my make up to look around the corner and find out what news station it was.

The last time I noticed Fox, this female reporter was sort of mocking the mothers who were on hunger fasts for school funds.

But I'm not downing Fox, I actually like Fox and get more kicks out of it than anything. CNN is sometimes funny, depending upon who is doing the filming. I think I sometimes get as much out of the focus of the camera as the reporters.

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