Thursday, October 8, 2009

Huge Cat Fight

There was a prophetic message at my window last night.

People think it's all fun and games until the last laugh is on them. :)

I insisted on having my OWN bed at this place where there WAS a spare bed. So I insisted and then I was there, about to read before sleeping, when I hear the loudest caterwauling I've ever heard in my life.

It was a HUGE cat fight.

Los gatos a guerra.

I said to myself, "This means nothing." But they didn't stop. These cats were going into FITS, right under my window. So, Juliet style, I stood up on the bed and then stood on the side dresser, opened the window and looked outside. As soon as I did, they were quiet. I heard something off in the bushes, but the cats were immediately silent.

I decided, this may be a sign that some women do not want me to be with some man, or will not want this, in the future, and that this is a premonition of a dramatic cat fight which will take place before my very eyes.

All about a man.


I wonder who the lucky dog is.

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