Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pointless Not To Blog Without Work

Well, I have no incentive not to blog it seems, without work.

I have looked high and low and am still looking, but I'm tired of the games and the freeze. Yes, unemployment is lousy everywhere, but that's no excuse for what I've been through and am still going through in Wenatchee.

I couldn't get anywhere until I got out of this town and then it seemed like maybe someone was going to try to help or change things in some way.

It looks like it's a no. I have done all I can do, but guess what?

I'm not leaving town.

I'm not leaving, because I have a son and you cannot push me out and away from him.

So get used to me, and if you don't want me to blog about the facts and loves and lives and going ons, maybe quit the blockade.

So anyway, I am also probably going to start charging for my blog, because that will certaintly improve my profits and more people read my blog, in this town, than they do The Wenatchee World.

And I'm not getting paid for my work.

My first pick song of the day is youtube's live version of New Order's "Bizarre Love Triangle". I love this song! One day, on the East Coast, I listened to it on repeat for over 6 hours.

Anyway, this doesn't mean I will write about anything and everything.

However, I feel like I am pretty reliable when it comes to my word and my honest attempts to get somewhere and have a peaceful resolution to everything and just get my son back.

My son is important to me, and yet instead of seeing people actually trying to faciliate our reunion, I see more people interested in trying to distract me or creating distractions and leading me to water only to tell me I cannot drink. By promising job after job or work over and over with zero results.

It seems there is always work for me right before I have to file my unemployment claim for the week so I slack and then all of a sudden, I miss out and don't get the work and I'm back to square one.

There is absolutely NO reason not to hire me, and no excuse for my not having work here. There are not a lot of jobs, but I haven't been picky. I've been willing to apply for everything there is to apply for:

clerical in all forms
daycare and childcare
temporary agency employment
fruitshed work
fast food

I've applied for all of these kinds of jobs, over and over, repeatedly, and no one will hire me, but they'll hire someone else. When I hear about new people moving to town who get work in 2 weeks, there is something wrong.

When people promise me work and then back out, there is something wrong. They are only wasting my time on purpose.

Moving to Spokane or Moses Lake will make no difference. I believe the man who told me I would have to move out of the state. Yet I still try, and hope and believe something is possible. I still try, every single day. I am still willing to try, in this town, because if I can't get work here, after finding out I would never get hired in Seattle either, or anywhere else, by at least one person who wouldn't lie to me, why should I think anything different?

My son is here and at the last visit he begged me again, backing out and blowing kisses to me, all the way to the door: "Don't leave mama. Stay right there." He looked worried and panicked that I wasn't going to be there for the next visit.

I look at my son and that is what keeps me here.

Sure, if I could do the whole town and the whole state some kind of BIG favor, and just leave, I WOULD. The only reason I stay here is because of my son. HE needs me and says this and demonstrates a need.

I keep trying to work things out and get into whatever "line" people want me to be in, to fit in here, but I can't do it alone. I need to have others cooperating WITH me. I know there are people who care. I know this and I know there are a lot of good people in the area. Many have talked to me long enough to know firsthand that I'm not mentally ill and that there is really nothing wrong with me except for whatever political kind of problem I have that I can't seem to get out from under.

I keep my mouth shut. I do my thing and I try to make amends and peace, and I keep trying. Someone told me I'd have to move to Moses Lake because I keep getting pushed out of housing and work here. It would be no different there, and I'd only be farther away from my son.

There is no excuse for the treatment I have received at the women's shelters and it is clear to me, that despite a lot of talk, there are still some groups of individuals who have nothing better to do than blacklist me and try to keep me down.

I have done a lot, and come a long way, in trying to restore good to this area, and to others, and to apologize for past wrongs. I am still asking for some of the others who are so determined to keep me down, to quit this.

Why is it that people all over the country, believe me, and what I say about how it is here? No one in Wenatchee or this area even cares, because I don't think they have any interest in what the rest of the nation thinks about Washington state.

That's my honest impression. That this state is an island unto itself and thinks it has some kind of right of succession from popular political or national opinion. The things this state gets away with, are incredible. Truly incredible.

I would love to be able to blame it on just ONE man.



Hmmph. Give me a job Bill. Here's a song for Bill: "Everybody Wants To Rule The World".

Now here's my favorite link for the day. Hats and hands to the middle aged man with a squeal and leap and kick. Everybody who knows Judge Hotchkiss has to watch it because the lead singer looks just like him. Just kidding around. No offense intended at all.

I'm listening to various versions of this song. Here is one in Spanish that's good:

Here's the best mix I've found so far--this one is really good and high energy: I still like the original and live versions by New Order best. Hmm. I don't know. I didn't like it, then liked it and by the end was bored of it again. I don't know what I think.

I'm looking up work at the same time and sending out queries and resume stuff. So I'm not just wasting time.

Like this one, cool video...trance music but really cool clips. Not New Order, just following from the offerings. I like the scene where the man and woman kiss, turn, expressions turn to hate and they both raise their hands. I don't which movie it's from. I also like the women on top of the airplane. The song is "revolving doors": Really excellent clips...the expressions and change in moods that's reflected is so cool. Oh, the one of the flapper dancing on the floor in her fan sleeves. I LOVE it. I love this video.

Another lilting version of "Bizarre Love Triangle": Instruments a little squeaky and bonky but the voice is nice and so is the rhythm.

I got tears in my eyes from this the close-up when she sings "I get down on my knees and pray". Not because it's better, but looking at her face as she sang and thinking about the international cross-cultural power of music (from Japan):

Have a very positive sense of energy right now.

This one is really cool...there are birds and children and dogs in the background and it's sort of jazzy, by Nouvelle Vague:

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