Friday, October 30, 2009


First song I wanted to hear today was "Down In The River To Pray" by Alison Krause. I like her a lot.

I still felt badly about the other night, just deeply sad. The night before, I felt a sense of danger for whatever reason, not last night but the one before, and I couldn't sleep until about 3-4 until it left and there was a wash of peace and security.

I have been waking at about 2-4 ? a.m. or so for the last few weeks, without explanation. Nothing wrong, and nothing hurting, at all, but just waking up at about the same time every night and then falling right back asleep. Sort of as if someone had called my name and I woke to it and then fell asleep.

The food at Applewood was very good. I didn't have a chance to thank the cook, but he did a great job. I ordered mussels for an appetizer and chardonnay and then switched to reisling with the hawaiaan sea bass with a spicy japanese peanut sauce. It was really, really, good. I don't know how to pair wine with food exactly but the chardonnay was so heavy.

I joked to someone, over the phone, about how I always get mussels and they are the worst to think of...mussels and barnacles on a rock. I think of the state of most mussels which I only see above water, and wonder why I like them at all. Then sea bass makes me think of the singing fish you buy at Trader Joes and Wal-Mart.

But it was really good, with a pickled sort of cabbage slaw and then a rice pilaf and zuccini, which was really good too. It was very good.

After this, someone suggested at a bar that the guy wasn't trying to insult but was shy. ? I don't know. It seemed odd to me, but the music was good. I, at any rate, then sang some songs at kareoke. I didn't like some of the songs being sung so I stepped outside. I was asked to sing a song at the end that I didn't feel like singing so I chose The Pretenders "I'll Stand By You" instead. I have heard there are a few places around town that have kareoke but I don't know about all of them.

I had a shot or two of that cough syrup stuff and called it good. I forgot not to mix wine with liquor but I'm not ever the sicker today, maybe because I took tylenol after I realized my faux pas and then I had eaten something.

Then, amazingly, this morning I walked to the clinic to take a UA because I somehow knew I had one scheduled without calling first. So I got that done, and no, no one tipped me off that I had to do one, but I figured someone from tne state offices would know I'd been drinking and might assume I would be too wasted or hung over to make any appointments, I don't know. It's the first one in 2 weeks. And yeah, I don't do any drugs so it's clean.

I didn't even have a hangover this morning. Just needed coffee and donuts.

Then, I walked down the street and ran into this woman whose grandmother has this huge jar of all kinds of marbles, which I really wanted to look at but there wasn't time.

I have a few more things to get done today. I really need to get ahold of a phone for some time and make calls.

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