Friday, October 30, 2009

Son's Health

I need to write about the nice visit I had with my son, but I am still concerned about what is going on with him.

His toenails are warped and it has nothing to do with my aunt or uncle who wouldn't do anything.

They recently had to get a new computer and I don't know why.

My son is finally getting over brochitis, which both he and I contracted in Canada after we got away from what was happening to us in Wenatchee.

He's doing better now, I think, but he wasn't able to sleep for awhile. I think he's recovering, but you can see in his nails and then with this bronchitis, that something was going on again.

I don't know why but I hope this gets completely taken care of.

No innocent child should be harmed for any reason.

I am going to get a couple of things DONE, practical things, and then I'll write about my son's visit. He loved all his new presents and I told him they were from me and friends too. He took his coloring book of Toy Story to his daycare and he liked the trucks and tractors I got him but when I asked he said next time he'd like just one BIGGER tractor or train. He said he wants a tractor or a train. Then I got him one of his favorite books that I used to read to him when he was 1 yr. old, which he would laugh at even then--"Skippyjonjones". It was very sweet. He was really affectionate and cuddly and wanted me to read the book over and over. He loves the part where it says, "My ears are too beeeg for my head and my head ees too beeg for my body...I am not a siamese cat! I am a CHIACUACUA (how the h--- do you you spell chiwawa?). He kept saying "THANK you Mama!" over and over when he saw the gifts and said, "Wooow!" in a genuine surprise. It was very cute. I told him everything was from me and people who cared about him.

I know my son needs to be transfered back into my care as soon as possible. People who know the most about the whole situation, know this is true. He is going to be healed and recover from all the trauma, and he will be best supervised and encouraged and his acheivements noted by his own mother. I know my aunt and uncle care very much and do a good job, but they don't even know what he's doing or learning day to day because he's at a daycare all day. I am not a fan of random daycares, period. No daycare sitter cares for children like their own. Not most anyway and you don't have enough time with so many kids. Nannies are better than daycares, because it's more one on one and allows for bonding and better connections, in my opinion (which is also supported by research). But I know my aunt and uncle are doing a good job. I know this!

I'm listening to The Kings Of Leon now. Really good music.

Somehow I think I did something good but also, I don't know. I am trying.

I am making ammends with my family so I think things will be alright. I think so. I

I quit smoking so I know I can quit blogging too. I just want to update a few people on basics.

I know my son is doing a lot better. Much better. He looked good too, at the last visit, just recovering from his cold.

It could be the cold is different--I heard something like 200 people at the hospital had this but they had more of a flu and my son had a little bit more of a bronchitis thing.

I sang a duet of "Arms Of An Angel" last night at the bar, but I felt a little bit sad. It was pretty though and reminds me of being in Canada.

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