Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Consequences Of Playing Dirty

I don't admire the Wenatchee workers involved, for their smarts. Someone smarter than they should have instructed them as to a better course.

Now, they have secured themselves with years of involvement with the legal system. If they thought I or my case was expensive before, just wait.

One day, someone will wake up and say it was good fun but that a lot of money went down the drain. These people don't care. They're not paying for it. In fact, they're lining their pockets with favors.

But the state and those in higher office, might care, and the Auditor might care as well when they discover how much time, energy,and money could have been saved by commpromising or trying to do the right thing.

They do not hold all of the cards, and if they do, and I have nothing to lose, then I have nothing to lose, and they have everything to lose and I have something to be gained.

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