Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Screwed Out Of Housing Again (Glen Fischer)

I'm going to start naming names. In fact, I'm going to go backwards and name every single "landlord" of late who has KNOWN I'm unemployed and that the housing program would cover all expenses for 6 months, who strung me along and then told me they wouldn't rent to me, a WEEK later, because I was "unemployed".

Glen Fischer. A CASA guy. Or maybe it's Glen Fisher.

Took my information, or partial information, and then told me he was going to "pass" on renting to me, just yesterday, when for the last week he's been saying my circumstances are just fine.

He's done it, and then left me in the lurch, a Chelan County officer has done it to me, and a few others. I'll name them all.

1. (Steve?)______, name of Wenatchee corrections guard landlord.
2. _Ed Green________, name of Lavendar Court apartments landlord.
3. Glen Fischer, Wenatchee CASA landlord.

That doesn't count everyone. But in the last 5 weeks, I got screwed over, intentionally, by 4-5 different landlords who lied and said they didn't know me when it was obvious they knew who I was, and they strung me along for almost a week each, and then dropped me, claiming it was because I wasn't working, when they knew from Day 1 that I wasn't working and that renting to me was risk-free because the state was paying for EVERYTHING. It's not Section 8, it's the Rehousing deal that came from the economic stimulus package.

My point? Stop telling me you'll rent to me if you never had any intention of doing so in the first place.

If you don't want to be named in my blog, don't take the rental application money or lie and say you'll rent to someone who is unemployed if you plan to tell me later that I don't "qualify" because I'm unemployed.

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