Thursday, November 19, 2009

Continuance & Timing (Just Me and The Twins)

I told my new lawyer I wanted a continuance until Dec. so I can get things done during this time and because he's new and hasn't had time to prepare to represent me.

I was told the order for his appointment would be effective Monday, but then when I met with him I found out it hadn't been done.

I told him I want a continuance but he said he probably "wouldn't know" until the day before the scheduled hearing. Why does it take that long to know? All a lawyer has to do is make a phone call and agree with the AG, whom he said he'd already talked to.

I don't know yet if this is going to work out because I need to see actions following words. I like him, personally but I don't know how he will be professionally and who his allegiance will be with.

I talked about "nerds" who know things about computers. It was funny, because then, in my next meeting with my son, which was last Monday, someone had spilled the Nerds candy all over the table, and THEN, there were 3 boxes of Nerds at my attorney's office in the candy dish. Love the nerds! lol. Anyway, I had to wait around for a little bit, but there were things to look at in the office--some really nice black and white photos of outdoor scenes and then there was this magazine that had been turned upside down with this title blazoned on the back, facing me:

"Just You And The Twins". I saw it, right after writing my post about my Dad saying "You're Not Alone" and I had to know what magazine it was, and then, lol, I found out it was the back. I was wondering why a law office had a magazine about twins featured prominently! But it wasn't. It was the back to a different title which was really, really, obscure.

I decided to read Time magazine, about the Israeli-Palestinian wall.

Anyway, last night I had a dream that I was Jewish. I wondered where all my problems were coming from, and in my dream, someone announced my father's family was 100% Jewish. But I said, it's not my mother's side. I had a dream that was longer than that but I can't remember it.

Today I have a lot to do and will be busy.

I might have to visit the lawyer's office. Until he's really signed on, I don't feel like I have representation, and I also feel if he IS representing me, a continuance could be made and I should know, but not at the last hour, right before the next hearing is scheduled. It needs to be done sooner than that.

I sure hope this happens fast though. I am allegedly so mentally ill I can't imagine I'm competent enough to represent myself, and goodness! that I've gone all this time without a lawyer when I kept asking for one!

I had someone ask if I'd fired my last ones. I said no, it wasn't true, though the Judge makes it sound like that. I fired ONE, and that was the first one, because he refused to accept my defense. How could he help me if he wouldn't even obtain the evidence I said was there? The second one, "fired" herself. She withdrew, on her OWN, because of "conflict of interest" but it got turned around on me as if I had fired her. But no, she withdrew and made her claim about why, through email. Conflict of interest, which is hardly my fault. The final one, also withdrew on her own, after I asked her why she was asking for so much money from the court when she didn't do any work--and then I found out she was NOT considered to be very good and that I was justified in voicing concerns, but it was SHE who withdrew.

I fired one lawyer: Paul Cassel. Like I've said, if I had known what this town is all about, bribes and negotiations under the table--I would have kept him because I would have realized the truth of my defense made no difference at all.

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