Thursday, November 19, 2009

Killers: Human/ Terminator 3

I have this song in my head today: "Human"

"Are we human, or are we dancer?"

Last night I watched a movie I haven't seen before. Terminator 3. I had the father, before he took off for Mexico, tell me I was like Sarah Connor. He said if I reminded him of anyone, it was her, from this movie. Which was really interesting.

Last night I watched this movie, about the War Against The Machines, and how it ends, and thought about things I've seen, and corruption, and abuse of the technology we have created from our own intelligence, for protection. It was actually scary, to see that show. Because the world is coming very close to such a situation and there is an undoing of the fabric that has held the country together. Or the world together.

When people rule with fear, and try to intimidate others, it's more of a dictatorship.

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