Friday, November 20, 2009

Heavy Sad Vibe

Last night I began to feel that strong vibe had left, around 5 P.M. or maybe a little earlier, and then this morning, I'm up at 4:30 AM and cannot go back to sleep. Not insomnia either. I feel something is really not right with my son, or that something else is really wrong for someone else. I tried calling about my son, because they leave early, around 5 AM to take him to a babysitter's sometimes, and I got a busy signal. It came to my mind again, that he's not happy at the babysitters. I think he was more happy with people from Mexico who were newly visiting (with proper supervision I hope).

Yesterday was also a very bad day. In the first part, I still felt strength, but it sort of ebbed from me as it went on, and especially as I found out I was cut out of housing that I had put myself on a list for, for over 2 years. They changed dates in the computer too, and it bothered me.

Also strange, is some of the music I hear on the state unemployment lines. I am NOT paranoid, at all, but it's happened several times, where I've blogged about liking a particular song and then it's played over and over. I should be more specific so it doesn't sound coincidental. Ummm, then I met this guy Andy and the song "If You Believe (they put a man on the moon)" was played over and over, not just on the state line but it was Wenatchee's most popular song for a short time. THEN, just yesterday, after writing about the song "Human", this was played and then it cut off and the line went totally dead. Silent. No beep, no nothing. It was the regular employment line.

I am wondering if something bad has happened to someone, international or not. Maybe someone I know, or something, because right now something isn't right. Last night I had flickers of that strong positive energy, but mainly, there was a more heavy sadness

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