Monday, November 30, 2009

Copy of My Email to State & AG About Oliver's Health

At bare minimum, given the facts of my son's medical history, which were partially moitted in court, combined with my son's own reports of suffering and pain, an MRI of my son's head is warranted, to help find out the cause of his speech difficulties, and pain. If the state does not now schedule and recommend that this be done, there is a very very serious risk to not only my son's health, potentially, but to their own reputation and liability. The monitor has heard my son say the same things and my aunt has agreed about my son's present health. And the medical records are still there. Stop blaming a good mom for having a "mental illness" and start focusing on the children.

My Son's Medical Complaints Vocalized‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Mon 11/30/09 12:29 PM
To: mom dad (;; Michelle K. (DSHS/CA) Erickson (;

Please pass this note onto AG Anne McIntosh.

Your state lawyers and AGs may want to look into something before liability is worse.

Please read my latest post about my son's repeated complaints of pain, headache, and eyes hurting, and how he's been losing weight and sick, with temperatures.

Please then find the comments I made long ago about the fact that he had a head injury at birth and also that the lactation consultants felt he was suffering from headache and illness, and the fact too, that my son had bilateral choroid cysts on ultrasound, in his brain, and this is supposed to be followed up on, and it never was.

Now my son is making his own health complaints, and I have NEVER suggested any of this to him.

You may want to think very carefully about how you continue to proceed in this case and with regard to my son's medical care.

Cameo Garrett
The Mother

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