Monday, November 30, 2009

Questions To Medical Organization About Son's Complaints

FW: Questions About 3 Year Old‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Mon 11/30/09 1:07 PM
Additional information:

My son has also had a fever off and on, which seems to be gone now, but went up to 104 degrees for a few days. He has been ill with fever and normal colds, in addition to head and eye pain (which has been for months) for the last 3-4 weeks.

I would apreciate knowing what a doctor's recommendations might be.

Thanks again.


Subject: Questions About 3 Year Old
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2009 13:04:18 -0800

Hello, I'm a mother whose 3 year old is complaining about the following:

1. "I have something in my eye" (repeatedly, and pulls at his eye like there is a pain and then tears up. Other times, says his eyes hurt in general.

2. Says he has bad pain in his eyes (head?) at night, while lying down.

3. Had bilateral choroid cysts in his brain detected on ultrasound, which were never followed up on, as recommended.

4. Smell of vomit on his breath when he burps.

5. Complaints of headache.

6. Losing weight and inconsistent appetite.

7. Dark circles under his eyes.

8. Head trauma at birth, on head, on side or area where speech is affected.

9. Speech problems, after accelerated development and speech, a sudden deficit and attemts to speak still, but garbled. Still has some speech issues.

I would like to know what might be recommended when my son is complaining of these things.

Thank you,

Cameo Garrett

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