Monday, November 30, 2009

Copy Of Request To PD

Appeal Of Last Orders For Oliver Garrett‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Mon 11/30/09 3:08 PM

Hello Justin,

You probably know, I feel the last hearing went really wrong.

I would like to appeal the following:

1. Refusal to have an independent psych eval done. I would like to have an order made to explain the reasons it's necessary.

2. I need a motion in the court file, formally requesting audio recording to be done, because I have no way of keeping the record straight without it and claims that I have or am harassing the monitor are lies. There is no need for a security guard, and having audio recording would prove this.

3. My son has repeatedly requested increased visitation. An order for increased visitation. It is wrong to suggest my son "might" see me more, "in a few weeks..." if I comply. In a few weeks would drag this out to the next hearing, where, after seeing my head exam is normal, they would refuse further vistation, claiming I have to be "medicated" first. My son wants increased visitation NOW and the expense of the guard is unnecessary and can be proven if I am able to audio record what my OWN "behavior" is like. They have not met their burden of proof that this is necessary, a guard, and they purposefully have attempted to obstruct justice by keeping me from audio recording.

4. Unresolved questions about payment. I cannot comply with the request for a head exam when I am not "disabled mentally" and do not wish to go on GAU which is "crazy pay" when it will dirrectly screw up my unemployment. No one even described "how" this would be paid for and the state already told me I had to apply for GAU because I was "qualified" through the mental eval. Because this evaluation is so wrong, I have a right to an independent psychological evaluation.

5. I believe my son needs an MRI, as I've always said he does, because he is now old enough and has been vocalizing suffering which he said hurts his head and eyes. He has been complaining about his eyes, and one in particular, for 4 months or more and it seems to be getting worse. He's lost weight, and his appetite isn't great lately. He will suddenly feel this pain out of the blue, while I'm reading to him or we're playing. He says he has pain at night.

Not only that, it is a fact that my son had a head injury at birth, which docs here claimed was just a small bruise. It was more than a small bruise. Not only that, he also was diagnosed with "bilateral choroid cysts" in the brain, on ultrasound, and this requires a follow up exam and it was NEVER done. One unilateral cyst is normal and almost always goes away, but research has shown when there are bilateral cysts, there is more concern that one could grow into a tumor or larger cyst.

Because of my son's medical history, combined with his recent complaints, he needs to be evaluated properly, as I've been requesting before he could speak up for himself about his own suffering and needs.

I want an order to go out, requiring that my son be evaluated outside of this area, at a specialized hosptial for children. Children's, probably, in Seattle. He needs to have an MRI done to find out what the cause of his suffering is, and to rule out cysts or problems from his birth which may have affected his speech and may be causing his suffering now.

If the state will not do this, when my son has been making these complaints of his own accord, there is something seriously wrong here.

6. My mother and father would like to have a copy of Krebs' evaluation sent to them via scan and email. I made a release of information which is tucked in behind the sign taped to the back door to your offices.



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