Tuesday, December 1, 2009

To Commenter, About Privacy

I am not posting the comment but I have saved it for myself and I agree with you.

Just last night I was talking with a friend about how, I guess, Harry got outed by the press as to his location and it ruined his plans. I think this is horrible, for ANY person in a dangerous position, no matter who you are.

As for me, I did try to quit blogging and whenever I do, instead of respecting this, it seems the people in the area especially, who are trying to control the case with my son, get worse. I tend to have more people come out of the woodwork to threaten me. Who is going to "protect" or "investigate" if word doesn't get out more broadly in order for the right people to know?

There's no reason why I or my family or son should be at risk in any way, however, we were, and that was long before I blogged. I BEGAN blogging, only as a means to try to figure out what the cause was, and defensively, because of years of harassment, vandalism, theft, and threats, and then harm to me and my son.

This matter with my son isn't improving either. I and my son, throughout this process, whether I said anything in a blog or not, were deprived of our civil rights.

My son and I need certain measures in place to protect my right to have the truth available, such as audio recording visits, because the state is lying and claiming I am disruptive and that's why they need a security guard and won't increase visits because of "expense." They know the visits have NEVER been disruptive and yet they continue to lie and get away with it. I need a lawyer who is putting forth filed motions to protect our right to prove what the truth is.

Not only that, everyone knows that I am NOT mentally ill and yet they want to railroad me with this as well.

Not everyone who says they are a friend of the family is a friend of the family, and sometimes, there have been a few even in my family, who have not been helpful.

I value my privacy, if you can imagine and I'm sure no one really can. But I do. I am actually very private in many ways, but when I see harm coming to me or my son and no one doing anything about it except threatening me, or my son, I draw the line.

We need greater help than has been provided here in Wenatchee. Some in Wenatchee have helped, but we need even greater help. And my own lawyer should be willing to put into the file what needs to go in, so I'm able to have my son back.

I was, at one point, willing to take down my entire blog. I received nothing in return for my gestures. I and my son are innocent and yet no one does anything to help us prove what the truth is--that I am not a "risk" to my son by mental state or "drug use" and that he is lawfully my child and I am his guardian.

There are a lot of things I'm sure some WISH I would write about, to make me sound crazy, and I don't. At least not online.

I want to live and let live, and I have no issue with others except that my son must be returned to his mother, and if they continue to lie and fight me, when I've tried to be the peacemaker and when they know I'm the honest one, I will blog about what they are doing, all along the way, and put up visitation notes besides.

I don't enjoy putting personal information out there, not even about my son. But the truth of the matter is, notes from the visits and details were being disseminated to public person anyway. I found out all the details of the visits with my son, were being spread throughout the community and almost immediately. Then, if my son spent most of the visit talking about a "bee", the next full week would be one where people are approaching, talking to me about bees, giving me "bee" pamphlets, I mean, nutso stuff. If I and my son discussed dogs, all of a sudden, dogs come out en force. Everyone wants to talk to me about a dog. It has been very noticeable. I thought it was just after one visit and then realized it was after ALL visits. If someone else is trying to spread information about us, I may as well write exactly what the truth is.

Not only that, I was getting a LOT of stuff about Princess Di and the royal family. People saying things that made it sound like they thought I was she,(or I thought I was) or giving me things I already knew or later discovered, SHE liked or enjoyed eating. It got to be too much.

I even had members of the press, in Seattle, doing this. Implying I had something for Prince Harry, or he did for me, and setting out books like "The Half-Blood Prince" and making reference.

In D.C., now after finding out I am supposedly related to Katherine Howard, I wonder who knew before me, because I had people pointing out Henry VIII all the time and making quips. I feel someone had already done a great deal of family research on me and knew more than I or maybe even my family knows.

I really ask for the basics. Having my son back would be good for everyone, in my opinion, because I would mellow out, and focus on him. I would be able to have a simple job, take care of my son, and everyone could move forward. For whatever inexplicable reason, some don't want this. I guess they don't see how it's most beneficial to everyone. At the point that I have my son, I would take down my blog and quit blogging publicly. Or at some point where I see they are not still lying and are increasing visitation and making a show of reunification. I am more than happy to put everything down and stay quiet and I've proven I can do it. I'm not OCD. The problem is that people who said they would do the right thing, or compromise when I was willing to basically even sacrifice my entire reputation, went back on their word.

Basically showed me that for all I was wiling to give, they were going to do nothing for my son.

If I am citing corruption in this case, someone should be willing to ask WHY I am not allowed to audio record these visits. If there is no corruption, there is nothing to be afraid of. If I am really a problem, you have better proof. Audio recording keeps the record straight. It doesn't favor one side or the other, it favors THE TRUTH. So it would seem, that the one who is in favor of documenting the truth, whatever it may be, is the one who is telling the truth. Those who don't want evidence of an objective truth, who are lying, and those who are aware the lying goes on, these are the people with motive to conceal and block the truth from being recorded.

If I were a more public person and I could travel with a bodyguard or two, that would be great. Right now, I have to document what's going on because after my honest attempts to sacrifice so much, I'm getting nothing in return.

I do NOT wish to document any detail of my life, to be used and twisted. Nor, of my son's life. I also don't wish to put anyone else in jeopardy or danger, whether it is my family, friends, even enemies, or some who would like to be in better communication with me but are afraid or don't know how it could be done. I would like to expand my circle of friends, and with some secrets, I am very good at keeping. I don't share everything and I don't have a need to gossip. I am sorry if any of my recent remarks put anyone innnocent in a bad position.

I want to quit blogging.

All I want is my son and increased visits would be a start as well as a zealous defense and a Judge who is willing to recognize what needs to be done to secure my and my son's position fairly. It's all I want, and I don't believe I'm asking for too much.

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