Sunday, November 29, 2009

Dream Last Night

I had a very long, insignificant dream where I know it was strictly subconscious thoughts and it didn't feel like it had any real meaning.

At first I was living with a housemate and then we were catching a train and then the next thing I knew I was going to have a drink with 2 women, at the Post Pub for the first time since working there.

It was very light and brights and had windows all around but there were fewer people and they were all in chairs against the walls and the building was more round. I shook hands with everyone, walking around this circle, and remembered people, and I was wearing a dress I don't have and which wouldn't be my style either, but it was a black dress with white polka-dots and I think it had a belt about the waist and the skirt was mid-calf and flowing. I wore black heels.

I came to this one woman and she wanted to give me a gift and drew something holding a pencil with her middle finger and thumb because she had some kind of disability to her hand, and then she made this on a ribbon and tied it around a toy horse figure's tail. I thanked her for the present.

As she was tying this around the tail, someone asked where Chris was and he wasn't going to be there because he was taking some international law class.

Some other guys came in and hugged me and then hoisted me up singing "for she's a jolly good fellow."

Then I woke up.

Why I would be a jolly good fellow doesn't make sense. I don't really feel like I would go to live in D.C. again unless I had my son with me. My son would like it and I would enjoy showing him things, but I did have some problems in that area later, as well, especially with the circumstances in trying to get proper medical care for my undiagnosed twins.

That was very strange, and very dangerous.

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