Sunday, November 29, 2009

Met Former Nuclear Project Guy

I met a man who looks very homeless, and I guess he IS, but there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with him mentally. He's on physical and mental disability but there wasn't anything wrong with his mind, from what I could tell. Not only that, he was much more interesting to talk to, than a lot of people. When he shook my hand, I noticed he extended his left one, but when I brought it up to him, he said no, his other one was just occupied.

He had once been selected for a special team, he said, when he was in the military, that dealt with nuclear stuff, but also, he later found out, he was selected for what they believed to be psi abilities (psychic abilities or intuition).

And for anyone who is a doubter, look up "remote viewing" on wiki and you will find an explanation for world-wide government interest in psychic abilities.

He fully understood what I was describing when I talked about sensing "energies" and sometimes feeling more shifts and other times, not, but knowing it has nothing to do with my "mood".

I also described to him the young man in the wheelchair and how I saw this "image" and wondered what it was about. He brought up the term "paralleling" and I asked what that is.

I had never heard the word "paralleling" and I tried to look it up online but can't find it. SO, I'm going to do a little research today and try to find out.

This man was extremely knowledgeable. Highly intelligent too. We talked about everything from psi and different countries that use it, to the state of CPS and certain organizations, to the economy, to Princess Di (lol, of course). I was surprised with his familiarity about Di, and I think, when I was praising Harry, he wanted to speak up for WILLIAM! I told him I had been so shocked when I found out, or realized, how smart Di had been. I told him it first struck me when I saw her handwriting. I stared, dumbfounded, and said to him, "It was like a big secret and all these people were trying to say she was a dumb blond!" and he said, "Oh yeah, 'they' knew she was very intelligent and that's part of the reason she was chosen." I said "Yes they say intelligence is inherited through the mother and both William and Harry are very witty and when I saw this clip of him moving so fast on all fours, you know how motors skills and intelligence can have a correlation, and I knew." Anyway, this guy knew what I was talking about. We talked on about things and I won't go into details but we talked for awhile about it. I had been about to say I thought Harry was kind of a 'maverick' and he seemed to think maybe the other one was or was going to disagree and then I went on to talk about William. I told him I thought there was going to be an Edward-the-Abdicator, but I didn't know if it was Charles, Henry, or William. So we just had fun talking about all kinds of things.

I have to look up paralleling today though.

He had a lot to say about Russia's use of psychics and how they would pick people out and they wouldn't really have a choice, if they were gifted this way, they were going into military or to be a government worker and pressure was put on families if they didn't go along.

I can't imagine the use of psychic ability is anything to depend upon. I mean, I know that I wouldn't trust my own abilities more than logic and taking a normal careful course. If I find out it means something, I'm always surprised, and sometimes I "know" something, but it's not very much.

This guy was saying that with paralleling, you can even "feel" energies or vibes or the moods of others, even if it's from a distance, and you pick up on other things too. So I want to find out what it is.

Today I have to finish my list of attempts to find work. I have to line other things up as well. But I need to put my exhaustive list of all my job-search effort, into a list and then make sure it fits what documentation I have, and then prepare this for unemployment, because all that time I was looking I can get back-pay for it.

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