Thursday, November 26, 2009

Found Someone With Video Program

I just found someone with a video program that will play things I record. So, I'm figuring it out with a neighbor and will be able to start uploading video files very soon.

My batteries are dead so I have to charge them up first and then we're recording and then I'll loading stuff up.

My neighbor has seen me Day to Day and said he'd write a statement for me.

My ex from Colombia said he would also write a statement for me.

I deleted my last statement about wanting to put things together in prep for a termination trial, because I suppose I can still try to be positive. If I'm paranoid, the things I've said will happen, won't happen, right? It is sheer paranoia...hmm.

So thinking positively--the state and my family ARE trying to reunite me with my son. Okay. Despite what looks like evidence to the contrary, I'll go along. I will choose to believe the state and my family are doing everything in their power to help me and help my son (does that sound delusional?).

As for people getting paid off, I have zero evidence or info anyone IS, but I can't imagine WHY else anyone would continue to lie so much unless they were, and then try to block me from documenting what reality is. So, it's just a guess. If Judge Hotchkiss actually cares about my son, and isn't just playing games, he would and will be reasonable when it comes to granting motions hereout. It could be a big suprise.

Also, there have been many people in the US who try to help. I know this is true. I've seen it and I know the people are there. I wonder where sometimes, but I know there are people who care and who try. And I'm thankful. I am not in favor of internationals over people from my own country by any means. I'm in favor of people who look out for my son and his interests, genuinely, and who try to help. I care about and love my family besides, but I don't know. My family, I think, has been very pressured. I like to think, or hope. I want to think they have stood to the side because...I don't know. Because they have felt threatened themselves.

I think I saw my grandfather's car in front of the AG's office last week and I almost wondered if maybe he was trying to do something to help.

My father left a message for me the other day, letting me know he was calling at 1, and to give him a call back. I did and it was that a housing place in town had room but I told him I was still trying to get into housing through Wenatchee programs. But he was passing the message on to me. He sounded great, no problems or anything. I always get worried about my parents and check on them to make sure they're doing alright but he sounded great, at least over the phone. The only time I wondered about my parents, was when they looked so upset about the idea of Alvaro and I not marrying. They looked scared, and kept saying they thought it would be difficult but not impossible to get my son back, and that was the only time I ever saw their expression of how they really DID want this to happen. So I wonder why they don't feel they can be more supportive of me now, but my father DID say, "Do you think it will help?" when I told him I needed a hair analysis and I said yes, because it would rule out the idea that I'm a narco addict or that I'd been using anything. He has said he doesn't know what will really "help" so this is why they don't help out more, financially. I don't know what they think of the psych eval. I can't imagine they actually agree with it.

I just realized, about internationals vs Americans, WHY I was getting better and more accurate information from some internationals. I just realized, US people don't wiretap or surveil, very often, their own people. CIA doesn't, at least not much. FBI does within legal boundaries. But the internationals have a kind of immunity--if they're getting information, they can get it from a variety of sources. CIA doesn't have to announce surveillance in another country just as other countries don't have to announce surveillance of anyone in THIS country.

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