Thursday, November 26, 2009

Superior Results From My Parenting Test

The results from the subjective test that many parents in custody battles, I guess, take, to discover parenting skill, ability, and style, were, as I knew they would be, superior.

I never lied when I said I am a kick ass Mom.

The psychologist tried to downplay this, just like she tried to downplay my normal MMPI, by writing she thought I had a "defensive profile".

So, she claims to know what I'm like and how I take tests, after talking to me for one hour. She tries to dispute indisputable test findings, that I'm normal, and that actually, my parenting test turned out with superior results where even non-CPS parents fare much worse, and according to this parenting test, I should be giving OTHER PARENTS tips on effective and meaningful parenting, but no...

She claims my answers were, I guess she's saying, dishonest! If she claims I was defensive (as perhaps she feels ALL CPS involved parents or ALL PARENTS in ANY kind of custody case might be) she claims I lied.

I didn't lie on any of my answers. If I would admit, on my blog, that I have tried marijuana, I have no reason whatever to lie on an MMPI or a parenting test.

What the state doesn't want to face up to, is the fact that my OBJECTIVE test results are NOT squaring with their claims about me.

So, either THEY are lying about me and my behavior, OR I must be lying when giving my answers.

I never read an MMPI or parenting test first. I just sat down, and did it, and if I was SO CAREFUL in how I was test-taking, then WHY, may I ask, did I complete BOTH tests at such an astounding rate? I took the FULL, clinical MMPI and the APPY and I was finished with both of them in less than an hour and a half.

This would indicate, given the rapid speed, that I was not over-thinking or trying to come up with the right answer, but that I answered spontaneously.

All the psychologists were telling me it takes at least 2 hours to do the MMPI. I did THIS test and a full parenting test, with very complicated and difficult questions, BOTH of them, in less than an hour and a half.

I'm not a genius, so I didn't whip through these tests like Marilyn vos Savant. I was ranked with "Average High" intelligence, which is average, and this is further indication I sped through the tests, answering honestly and impromtu, without some kind of genius intellect which would make it possible for someone to go that fast and be able to sort everything out at the same time, to lie. Not one of my objective test results supports the state's claims.

The fact that my parenting test was superior, and my MMPI test was normal, and the fact that everyone I meet who talks to me thinks I'm normal, isn't squaring with what the department has been covering up all along.

If I had a "defensive profile" and "knew the right answers" on a parenting test, then, given the fact I want my son back and that I'm being graded on parenting in visitation, how does this make any sense that my "defensive profile" wouldn't then carry over, with "superior results" in my visitations?

The truth is, all of my visits with my son have been good, and I am an excellent mother, and they know it.

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